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Chapter 9 It's beautiful

Word Count: 1591    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

was still driving in silence. " This is kidnapping, where are we going?" Naomi began to feel scared as she wasn't seeing any building on their way until he divert and parked his hilux a

room. She tried to open the door but it was locked so she use her key. After getting inside, she called Kaila. * Where you at?" Naomi asked yawning. * Dinner date with Jordan" kaila said for Naomi to smile. "Oh... get something edible and say hi to jord "Naomi said and hang up, Naomi pull off her clothes and tied her towel, she was about to enter the bathroom when her phone began to ring. An unknown number was calling but Naomi could recognize the number so she picked. * Hey... just checking in, hope your roommate isn't mad?" Harvey asked as he sat on his cushion. " No. she's not home." Naomi said biting her lower lip... ." oh.. alright then, see in school tomorrow " Harvey said for Naomi to nod. »Tomorrow " she said and hang up. She likes this guy but she don't want to easily give in, but with this sweet sexy voice of his she don't think she will hold on for too long. Naomi sigh she have never be in love before and this things is just too new for her. She went into the bathroom and took a shower. Naomi came back and saw kaila in their room. She was surprised as she went and sat on their bed. "you are back so soon" Naomi said for kaila to blush. " We kissed" kaila said for Naomi to open her eyes wide....." oh my goodness kai" Naomi said for kaila to blush. "I know we rushed that aspect but swears, Jordan is fucking romantic Naomi, like we went for Dinner date with candles all over, this romantic music playing in the background and he ask for a dance" kaila narrate as she blush biting her lower lips. »And?" Naomi sat in her bed for kaila to sigh... " we dance and the atmosphere was getting tense so we kissed. He taste so good. " kaila said like a high school lover girl. " That's good, you guys are moving in a nice pace" Naomi said as she began to rub her body. " Ah yes, tell me about your outing with that scumbag" kaila said as she drop a package of meal she brought for Naomi, "nothing much * Naomi said for kaila to hissed standing up as she pull of her clothes. * Spill it Naomi, girl code number one, never hide things from your roommate " kaila said for Naomi to laugh. " He asked me out" Naomi said for kaila to stop pulling her panties. * Wait!, what?. he asked you out? That dude is a stupid guy Naomi, he has a fucking dump ass girlfriend " kaila turn to her roommate and said. "Yea I know Kai, I asked him and he said they broke up. The serious thing here is that he wants an answer tomorrow " Naomi said as she began to wear her pajamas. ." So are you going to say yes?" kaila asked for Naomi to shrugged her shoulder. "

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