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Chapter 2 Room B20

Word Count: 1513    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

til evening. But her life and this people's are different. Naomi bend down to carry one of her box that has books in it, she hope leaving the remaining two here they won't ste

ing the best graduating student in her high school. she arrange her books at one side of her ward robe then her clothes at the other side before putting her shoes down part of her wardrobe. She carried her white mix with beautiful flowers bedsheet to arrange her bed before wearing her pillow the pillow case of the same material with the bedsheets. Her table side, she fix her table lamp and table clock, then she arrange her body cream close to her textbooks before sitting down back to rest. Then Kaila was done already as she strip herself naked in front of Naomi who immediately close her eyes.... Kaila saw her reaction and laugh.. "Don't tell me is your first time seeing a naked person with the same sex?" Kaila said looking at her with her full naked body as she hold her body wash,bath sponge and other bathing things in her hand. Naomi nod her head smiling.. "Wow. you must be innocent. huh wait are you a virgin?" Kaila ask Naomi surprise to see Naomi nod her head. "OmG! My room mate is still a virgin.. Do you know what. I want to go take a bath now and when I come back, you will tell me why you are still a virgin." Kaila ran to their room bathroom. Each room has its own toilet and bathroom inside in the hostel. The hostel was mix both girls and boys Naomi sigh and open her eyes after Kaila left, this is the first time someone apart from her mom ask her about her sexual life. Well hers is boring because she had never have a boyfriend, she don't even know what it feels like to be in love or heartbroken. The only heartache she do feel is whenever her dad beats up her mom. she's always studying and working so they could eat and she should be able to win this scholarship. Naomi immediately strip off her clothes and wrapped her towel around her before Kaila will be out, she don't want to feel awkward around her.she sat down and pick her mobile phone as she dialed her mom number. After two rings, Nessa picked the call.. "Mom" Naomi called her mother.. "My baby how are you how is the school, have you see your room?, how is your room mate like and the hostel as a whole? What room number.. "Mom calm down OK.I have seen my room, its OK and my roommate we just meet today so I can't say anything for now but she looks friendly and I'm in room B20..don't worry about me mummy. how are you and Sam?" Naomi cut her mother off, who sound worried has she try to know how things are going for her. "We are fine baby.I

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