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Ruthless Mate

Ruthless Mate


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 479    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

arely stood up when the door burst open and her heart lurched to her


shly and then locked i

his voice was calm but it was filled with

he stammered

bled a step back. Her eyes went wide when he hovered ov

He asked menacingly, causing her heart

meeting his gaze. She was terrified to look in those ony

oughly grabbed her chin and he jerke

to you!" He growled as his fingers dug in the fle

ng his wrist trying to remove his hand away but it only infuriated him as his free hand

g... p..please..." She stuttered in her shaky small voice. Big fat tears poured out of h

. His eyes lowered down to her cherry lips tha

but they were there and with the slightest to

and she abruptly wiped her tears awa

all cry of fear escaped her lips. "I...I'm trying,"

ist and pulled her to him. Her toes barely touched the ground. Her gasp was cut in

ying to taste th

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