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Ruthless Mate

Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1532    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

ouldn't reject Aurora that was why he let him talk with his daughter. He deliberately said that Drake

smart but Xander coul

ll come to your pack from my side if she goes with me," Dr

hurt her?" Rasmus asked

," Draken said casually a

about to leave when Draken stopped her by saying, "there

before walking out of there. Draken na

presence. He would surely love to see

cupboard. Tears were at the brim of her eyes but she controlled them. Catherine and Angela wer

ence. Her daughter was trying to be st

as taken at Rasmus's wedding and it was a complete family phot

ipped it up and turned to face th

cried as Aurora bit the inside of

before she proceeded to

as the timidest, shy and innocent among her kids. Emma's heart was ripping in tw

bed her suitcase and left her

with her father and brothers. He w

. She needed some time to collect herself when she gave the excuse of packing her stuf

in," Draken said and Xand

urora here until they find a solution to this f*cking probl

u dare to hurt my sister, just know. I'll kill you," Rasmus gritted out and then Hunter came in front of Draken. "Soon I'll be there to get my sister back. And if you ev

and her brothers as Xan

her as your enemy's daughter. She's your mate. Moon Goddess has chosen her for you. Treat her well and take care of her bec

a man hurried to him, tak

ce spoke from behind him and he gla

turned around fully to gaze at the man who

h," Luca snickered and the corn

clenched his jaw. His molars gnashed in rage and he w

ed him and he turne

.you again," She said with a sad voice and Luca looked away as he forced

urora. She got into the car and breathed in deeply. She rol

t a tear slip from her eyes. She has t

her heart dropped down when t

eary face of her mom, Angela, and Cath. The enra

on her cheek. She could feel the connection with her

beside her and she tensed up. Her hands were fisted on her thigh

g a word. She didn't ev

thinking she slapped his hand away, wiping her tears she turned to glare at him. She was null in the dep

ed at her and just like that her courage f

im. His finger dug in the flesh of her fluffy cheeks as he jerked her face closer, so c

flew where

black lashes were wet. For a flickering second his eyes fell on her ch

re me," He

n her hand on his thigh. She abruptly pulled her hand back

ied to free her face but it seemed impossible. Tears welled u

She stuttered and


d her heart stuttered in fear but she didn't want to back down either. She want

She tried to sound cold bu

thick brow up

e plopped back on her seat, scooting away from him. Her heart was thumpin

r mouth when the black partition between the front and back seats rolled up

lt large hands on her. Her scream died down in her throat wh

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