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Ruthless Mate

Chapter 6 5

Word Count: 1778    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

t ceiling than her room but within a blink, everything came back and she sighed. Her e

called something. Getting out of bed she sprinted to her suitcase

on. The screen lit up. Putting a pas

th pack a few hours ago. I was tired and instantly fell asleep. Just woke up so texting yo

utton and the message

e knew once he saw the message he would call her and she

in but her stomach grumbled. She still tried to doze off but

ake any sound, she cautiously unlocked the door and opened it. To her re

ding to go for it. Walking out of the roo

n. She quietly descended the stairs. The m

a little through the dark. She walked down the hall in search of the kitchen and luckily

There were beer cans. A lot of them. She scrunched her nose in an

hed for a glass before

y she could feel the liquid

pouring some more. She just hoped he wou

us she would be eating and drinking. If he cares for his food too much. She'l

e deadly silence. A shriek tore through her lips as s

at the intruder as the orange jui

cupped her mouth, muffling her gasp of surprise. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she ga

as she


d kill

ight in this pack, she ma

ried to speak but there was a stone-like obstruction formed in her thr

tuttered badly and her v

her life but his calloused hand circled her wrist and she was yanked

m him. Her heart was quivering in fear knowing this was her end w

nees as he spread her legs ap

t not even a gasp escaped her lips.

aze as he slowly inched closer. She move

t when she felt his hot ragged

His husky voice sent t

e as a board, not

ng his hands on the counter

was the softness in his voice that caused her heartbeat to normalize

her veins and the thudding of her heart

was sitting on the countertop

gulped. Her eyes fell on the tissue box as she tilted slightly and

I... got scared. I...I'm sorry," She st

e was caged. The urge to pull her legs up and escape from the other side of the counter was app

e, he closed his eyes causing her to swallow thickly. He was so close and just so her thighs woul

't kill

ike a marathon. Every nerve in her body trembled. She was never

ne by one. The sooner she gets done with it the faster she could escape from hi

heavy stubble that gave him a rugged look. Her ey

arted out and he licked his lips. Red flushed her c


down. Focusing her eyes on his brows as she wiped them one by one. Before she could attempt to grab more tissues he was already hol

he shut his

he first place and it was a miracle in itself that he hadn't killed her for

oticed it. He had beautiful lashes, they were thick and long and dark black. His brows were also thick, in a straight shape. His brows deman

time she was look

black and looked

s gor

s Alpha have to be

g them softly with her fingertips she cleaned his f

wer but no, he had to torm

She stuttere

always look at her as if he could see right through her soul. His eyes were beautifu

is jacket revealing his white shirt which was all wet

egs and hopped off the counter in an attempt to mak

y he rasped that endearment had

circle her wrist. She barely glanced b

n her lips as she pivoted on the balls of her feet but this time he was fast as he grabbed her arm, wh

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