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Ruthless Mate

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 2001    |    Released on: 26/10/2022


dashed into the woods holding her dress up in her fists. Sh

ould've been able to

calling behind her. She needs to get to th

er being. No matter if she tried to stop

ame into a small clearing. Her eyes were wide as she gaped

mping in her ears as adrenal

moved forward and stopped whe

was probably 6'1 and was wearing a fur coat. She noticed the head of a dragon inked on his thic

ps in a small whisper but the m

y glancing at her before his eyes fell on the nu

en!" Hunter

heart ceased to beat. No. This can

ind his back. Both of her brothers, Hunter and

us asked but she was

second when she found his onyx eyes fixed on her. The lethal intensity of

iously causing that man to focus his eyes on the enraged

ed in his menacing voice

he notorious Alpha Draken of the North. He was in t

l you," Luca menaced, ea

oldly as Aurora's eyes

that moon Godde

my of h

on Goddess do su

Alpha Draken?" R

issue verbally because in no way does

ey were rigid because they heard when Aurora cal

her because she was the

that f*cker and rip him apart into pieces. He now know

," Draken said calmly and Rasmus took in a deep bre

d Luca were still

ere for then?"

Draken sa

t him when Rasmus mind-linked both Hunt

n," Rasmus said to Aur

that she would never see him again. Her heart pained to know that he was going to reject her but

man who wasn't hesitant to shed innocent blood. T

ht on dashed into her room. Locking the door she leaned against it and slowly slid

ch to ask for

ightly and she heard h

lease open the door

his father telling him the situ

lone but she knew so well that she would

. Emma opened her arms and Aurora hugged

ee her precious daughter crying like this. The

le, that man had to be my mate?" She a

" Emma said gently while patting her back. Ange

ath was furious. She wanted to kil

on the sofa. Luca and Hunter stood near the door wit

the desk and faced the man who was not only a th

he never thought that the strongest of them all

rossing the border?" Xander as

ander of the moon pack and then his t

or the war," He said straightforwa

, you must be keeping him s

Draken said in

ne thing but why did you join hands with him?" Ras

concern," Drak

f you don't want to get killed," Luca barked but Drak

ed at all. Xander stared at the man.


word with the girl,"

growled at the same time but Xander

him. His onyx eyes were emotionless but there was a flicker

. Hunter and Rasmus stepped forward

and both Rasmus and Hunter s

about to object wh

ly gazing at Draken who still had no emotion on his face

Aurora whereas Luca stood there, his hands

u," Rasmus said gently and she

reject her so it would be better to get done with this as s

straightened her back as Rasmus opened the door f

just say my name and I'll be there," Ras

as the door closed behind her. She found him

ng. He slowly turned around and she felt shudders runni

e asked coldly and she bit her lower li

e enemy of her pack. The cold ruthless ma

rough the silence like a lethal blade causing her heart to beat fa

ds. "I...I... d...don't w..want-" She was sta

His voice was full of menac

she refused to cry. She will no

reject you, pretty stupid

piece of a ro

out loud. "T...they a...are

Colt of M...

hut her up. His hand was so big that it covered more

lenched his jaw as sparks

he nape of her neck with his free hand pulling

ght outside your borders awaiting my orders. I was here to attack your pack but you ended up showing and ruining my plan. Now you've two choices," He sn

g over her lik

our whole damn pack, it would be a massacre. And after that I would still take you

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