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Because of causing trouble, I have to pretend to be Alpha's lover

Chapter 2 Why are you sleeping here

Word Count: 897    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

land was crowded with people! Kevin William pushed open the door and entered, only to see a s

liams said. "I want

me," the nurse continued. "Do you hav

on the nurse's desk rang. She apologized and picked up the phone. "… It's so crowded! Can't y

evin William, "Dr. William,

his hands. "Surgery, that's great! There are two traffic accidents in there; go and se

understand what was being pushed i

rivate hospital anyway, and it was expensive. Usually, it was a home check-up; sometimes, only a few kids with a cold and a headache came. But today, there

only to be able to breathe at night… He lay limply on the table, unable to move; the nurse broug

coffee and took a sip… tongue ou

o overtime at the private hospital in the evening, and told

om. He was tired of breathing, so he lay on the co

tall man wearing jeans and a dark blue sweater. One hand holds a medicine box, and a white blouse is draped over the other hand, making a phone call

look at him. "Oh, still moving, not dead! Go

im, and the other person also turned to look at him. Kev

him wearing a white blouse. "Ah

"I want to meet Tom Louis, t

uckled. "Linda said you're very ta

oesn't know who Lind

?" Tom Louis asked. "Don't

ugged, yawning. "

, pulling him to his feet

crying. Thinking back, he remembered that he had followed Tom Louis sin

it, pushed slightly, and the living room light was still on. The living room is open, spacious, clean, and bright; in front of the floor-to-ceilin

ps closer, Kevin William looked around at Tom Louis, full of wine bottles piled on the table, mobile phones rolling on the floor, boxes of tissues on the

tly, didn't tell him he was

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