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Because of causing trouble, I have to pretend to be Alpha's lover

Chapter 3 Damn it, can't I like men

Word Count: 1729    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

scolding sound. "Damn it… you evil bastard deserve to die a thousand times; sooner or later, I will castrate you, adultere

ession, Kevin William

vin Willi

hell do you do late at night in my room? Human or ghost? Know the right thin

ring this, "Drink and be crazy,

rinking again. "Ahh, almost

In the middle of the night, intending to commit suicide with al

udly. "I was kicked by someone! Damn it, run after that Westerner, you fuc

Tom Louis, opened a beer can, and gurgled, and he was delighted with

looked at Kevin William. "How are you

his eyes. "Nope, I

id you do? Which gang's boss's side chick did yo

"You think I'm just as lovesick as

at person, buy a car to buy a house for him, then go to bed, sleep with him, fu

pear on the screen - "I've had enough of you, break up, no nee

with tears in his eyes and nose and patte

outh at him, he drained his cup with him. "Hey, forget it,

t cheater!" Tom Louis slurred drunkenly with

appy life of the old sloth; later, he doesn't know how to float anymore, is sad to di

"Drink, brothers! We'll be

So you must have a lot

wiped his tears. "I used

rowsy, nodded, and clinked hi

so drunk that they didn't know what the sky was, cried

sunlight shone in his eyes, looking up at the clock on the wall—eight o'clock. The phone didn't stop ringing; Kevin William looked at the c

ouis, and he was about to sit down on the sofa when he

a, stretched his hand down, and held it in

mbled sleepily, re

his feet and kicke

d a pillow ov

threw it directly at him; he pretended to be deaf, turned over, and

s pillow aside and sprang to his feet. From last night to this morning, still not sober,

s silent for half a minute a

he alcohol was also half sober, held his nose, and said, "Ah? Who

y. "In twenty minutes, come her


mumbled, "Hiazz… it's true that I've been in bad luck these days. I was kicked by a f

s kicked Kevin William with

sentence, especially the last sentence. Get he

se to his feet. "I have a habit of working o

ne. "The customer who called just now has a somewhat special identity." he sighed. "I can be considered th

William found it hard to believe.

d his chin with his hand and asked Kevin W

k his head. "No… Wh

the underworld to the real business." Tom Louis explains. "I mainly work for them. This time I w

r. Standing up from the sofa, Kevin William felt uneasy; his whole body still smelled of alcohol; he hadn't showere

ith a slim build, a little shorter than himself, then dragged hi

hes, and Tom Louis stood frozen. The two stood like heaven for a while; Tom Louis suddenly hugged a bunch of clothes and cried and cried, ".

is closet were all made for Tom Louis's lover,

red at him with burning eyes.

eir minds, then Tom Louis was still babbling; he didn't dare to

ne box, Tom Louis stood brushing his hair in front of

hair and changed his clothes. The clothes

n Kevin William came out; he glanced a

just a skinny kid with a loose temper, but today he just changed to a white body...

self, and now he's no different from a street light; when he's not wearing wh

at his watch and asked Tom Louis. "It's

loudly just to scare people, would not take action. If it's The First Young Master and Second Young Master, you hav

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