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Because of causing trouble, I have to pretend to be Alpha's lover

Chapter 7 Not as good as following me, being able to be a member of House Valtor.

Word Count: 1707    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

If not, then let me s

esitant. "Can't you just fin

I want you to live, you can live, if you want you to die, you must die. You are related to the old man, even if I don't find you, someone w

lp you trick others, can you guarante

vin William – this kid is CUT TH

d. "You help me, I won't kill you, I can give you some mo

is, I help you say, and then you find a way

zled at Kevin William

lliam brushed his butt a

" Lay Valt

as terrified. "Are you

the coffin for a year. The head of the family will temporarily govern, the descendants are qualified to fight with each other, avenge the old man, develop a prosperous family, and generally prove his abilit

hen you'll have a fight with each other. Am I going home?" The corner of Lay Valto

y Valtor respectfully. I realized today that h

keep an eye on you."

compromise. "Hey, I'm very vindictive, if you

a dangerous expression on hi

eless, but for freedom, can both of these things be thrown in

u want?" Lay V

n just let me go before that." Kevin William

I know? If anyone doesn't know that you are the trump card, then others w

ant?" Kevin Willi

on you will stay in the Valtor House temporarily, you can be at ease, no one can harm y

How about work? That's right, making a will doesn'

r you to work hard, your accommodation costs are covered, after

t finished speaking and was strangled and threatened

ggled, rubbing his neck, looking disgruntled. "I'm a

warn him. "Remember, I can make you a testament, I can also turn you into a corp

y who threatens good people use this sentence? Its okay death is better

Valtor saw Kevin Willia

wing before the gangsters had such a handsome man, I wouldn't have dabbled in becoming a doctor! It too

owned and dro

and was about to leave but was p

ned his head sullenly. "I

chief!" After that, Lay Valt

struggled. "I can walk

Tom Louis's call from the stairs. "

ome save lives!" but was gagged by Lay Valtor

, bringing someone's eighteen generations

tor and Tom Louis searched for someone. As soon as he

saw Kevin William being dragged by Lay Valtor and tho

ou?" Lay Valtor

Tom Louis rolled

an before he died." Lay Valtor said, cau

Tom Louis looked

am reluctan

from all over the house, something has to be announced!

dragged to speak. "Let

staggered and almost fell face down. He stood up, and Lay Valtor pu

r! Quit being rude at once!" while grabbing Kevin William back, Lay Valtor glared, and he also

Tom Louis whispering to Kevin Willia

am shrugged

No wonder you struggled so hard yeste

y. "I don't know what your relationsh

vin William, clicking his tongue. "I think you're u

ient, there's also a paycheck for accommodation and meals." he

e white building. Currently, surrounded by people, in t

ryone was on the third floor; inside were three older men

fully greeted the other three

t was grabbed by Lay Valtor. Kevin William reluctantly followed him to the massive table i

family member, so h

loudly, "Lay Valtor, I am Kevin

man came from nowhere. He was in his mid-twenties, tall and slender, with a ve

d. "Not as good as following me, being

r of his mouth twitching. "Please, I'll

liam, he blinked a few times at him. Kevin William was bewildered w

r is the number 2 metamorphosis of the Valtor Famil

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