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Because of causing trouble, I have to pretend to be Alpha's lover

Chapter 8 If I have the ability, I won't work at that place where dogs eat rocks and chickens eat gravel

Word Count: 613    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

t and one right; Matt Valtor sat next to Kevin William, looking from t

r nodded

d, one hand holding his chin and l

rily chaining his chair away from the other person. Lay Valtor beside him f

king to himself - this is a "testament," but

d him; while waiting, he asked Vicky Valtor, "Has anyone

could speak, he heard voices outsid

. The person walking in front has a muscular body, is quite firm, looks younger, and has a smile on his face; the p

, these two men went to the e

or stood up, nodding to the two of them

t down, but the person in front laughed loudly, "Lay V

ok at Kevin William with an eye-sign. "Th

am nodded h

altor glared. "S

with hatred - that's your uncle, n

ird uncle waved his hand and laughed. "I

t still easy to find a gang

n in Black stood by the d

uncle lit a cigar and said, "Lay Valtor, if something's wrong,

ore formal." he finished pointing at Kevin William. "He's Kevin William, you proba

lliam in a low voice, "My eldest brother died; he had nothi

rensic examination, determined that the old man died beca

he said, "If I have the ability, I won't work at tha

d. "So why don't you just call in some international cardiologist, shoot yourself

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