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The strongest alpha wants to have love with me

Chapter 8 A man

Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

ike an ordinary apartment complex that few people know about. Helly didn't understand why Aboli wanted to be in such a remote place, but she nodded and fol

trangely, and it was clear that her engagement with General Andrea had been severed. Why was the Queen'sQueen's servant still coming to find her? She

at being a servant should not ask too many questions; she saw Aboli coming out and immediately bowed her head and said: "Lady

and General Andrea need to reconcile? Either way, the two wil

help but swallow a little. Unbelievably, the lady Aboli in the rumors was different when we

ation is a high-class restaurant in the center of the capital. Regarding the

on. That day I will come." That is unless Andrea shares the address with her. If General Andrea

ow she needs to build her influence, not spare time to build feelings with anyone. She won't know why Queen is so attached to this relationship. Although it is said that the Queen and Lady Mina have been friends since childhood, now Abol

lly don't care about the type of apartment like Aboli is living in, especially Melly's mother and daughter. They feel they have changed a lot; they despise the apartment blocks they used to live in and hate jobs like cooking. To them,

uch more comfortable. Felix stood aside,

s not revealed his identity. When Aboli found Felix, Aboli did not reveal his identity but only wanted Felix to be his bodyguard. After all, she will be in even more danger

e. She asks Mr. Alat to put poison in the food that Aboli eats daily. That poison did not harm Aboli's life, but it caused Aboli's thyroid gl

strings attached. She soon hated this Omega status and hated that she could only rely on Alpha to survive. If there is time

her only regret is Lady Mina and Helly's death and the humiliation she experienced. Therefore, Aboli did not have a great desire to survive in this life.

all this, pave a flower path for Helly. After all that was over, Aboli could even die without a doubt. After all, God allowed her to live on

e was a knock on the door, followed by a cold voice from

d and said:

, he immediately bowed and said: "Miss Aboli, everything in Ellit plan

d, not show

om the planet Elliot, an extremely harsh planet, but t

were the Elliot planet. Either way, she doesn't mi

Elliot is the most loyal to her. So now, whoever they were, what kind of society they had to roll around in… Aboli

er will make them pay a hundred thousand times more. And those who have more to

st first select some people. Before the

boli still did not attend the door close. She couldn't help but take her eyes

n't even feel a presentation on the other's face. It seemed like eve

entity?" Aboli heard that, shook his head, and said: "I don't wan

He looked at Aboli, bowed his head, and said: "I'll g

e door thoughtfull

ix doesn't want to

o this either. Anyway, she had enough

must be someone else's scheme inside. Felix is ​​the only living membe

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