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The strongest alpha wants to have love with me

Chapter 10 Is it okay to live alone

Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

i the most disgusted. Because the people they encountered were Mrs. Melly and Daisy. The two of them seem to be shopping as well. That's right, with the personalities of Mrs. Melly and Daisy,

s they had to live outside. It's ridiculous; even if they add

ly, not wanting to notice them. But unexpectedly, she did not want to p

ed her voice: "Isn't this the famous Lady Aboli of t

lly and Daisy weren't looking for trouble, they

ly of three still has to live in the .family's main house It's best not to stay for too long. If It wou

elders' residence, and there is usually no one so useless that they have to return to the main house. But they were suddenly evicted from the large mansion for the sm

amily members. Although they didn't show it too clearly, a group looked at them with disdain. Said they had no

y long, felt extremely angry. They can't do anything

luential; saying such a sentence is

say such things. It's true that there is no difference between big and s

but I never acknowledged Daisy as my sister. A person with a personality like you. I m not worthy to be the sister of a noble like me. You can't climb high, don't let me be your cou

ing every sentence is like stabbing them in the body. It is heartbreaking to hear. Finally, Mrs. Melly and Daisy still turned their heads away in anger; before leavin

nd I'm not even equal to the two of you. The rich William family is about to be spent all of your money. I'm just an or

y could only leave

and burst out laughing. Aboli tilted his head to look

ally special, their faces seem to change from red and then whit

ugh and say: "Okay, don't be too harsh with them. Don't let

made Aboli's mood drop instantly. But Helly is with her, and Aboli tries to be normal ag


er gave her any official time. What he gave her was a restaurant address. Aboli didn't even notice;

hat, looked worriedly a

"It's okay, I'm fine. I'm just going to see Ge

Anyway, she felt it was best for her to listen to Aboli. Anyway, now Aboli has changed. However, H

worried about her. Because of her personality in the past, she is passionately in love with General Andre

thing. From now on, I won't go after General Andrea or anyone else.

ssurance, only nodded a

to pick up Helly. It only took a

to ask something but, in the end,

away, and finally, she turned her back to the resta

boli to have lunch at a high-class restaurant with a romantic atmosphere. It seems that General Andrea has changed everything at will. For this, Aboli also does not have too many opinions. Anyway, it was

stomers, and she doesn't know if this is the normal state of the shop or because General Andrea Covered the whole store. With the personality of General Andrea, Aboli certainly doe

e wanted anything to drink or eat. Aboli looked at the

here is still very relaxed and gentle. Even if she came here alone in the futur

his chin to look outside. she doesn't kn

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