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The strongest alpha wants to have love with me

Chapter 9 we'll go out later

Word Count: 1537    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

rtment complex couldn't compare to her mansion, it was pretty good h

number, typically, Aboli doesn't answer an unknown number, but now she doesn't k

diately shows the other party's image. It's not quite right to say that the picture shows up because in front of Aboli

he wanted to touch a little to see how it felt. She wo

eneral Andrea spoke again: "Well, it's a bit difficult to

eakable. The beautiful image in front o

quietly said: "General Andrea, I think y

, how could a general like Andrea not know how to use a phone to make video ca

usually it is my subordinates calling to notify others." To think that an apathetic person like him wo

s no denying that General Andrea's pectoral muscles are still gorgeous. But before Aboli could finish his exclamation, the p

help but say: "I deeply doubt th

and denied: "How can it be? Lady Aboli shouldn't doubt me. B

er side, saw that Aboli didn't say a word, couldn't help but smile, and it took him a while to correct the angle of the p

not help but secretly say: "Di

and replied: "Yes, I'm

a word to say. Maybe only Gene

d, so powerful the empire's army seemed to be in his hands. No one will oppose him because his trustworthiness is exceptionally high. Above all, his strength is immense, and no Alpha

is a difference between people, people are leisure

shower so early, but this was not in the category of her concern. Aboli coughed lightly, then opened hi

ea. He seemed to nod and said: "Of course there's something to

ea said, Aboli finally un

wanted her and Earl Andrews to go out

hip with General Andrea more acrimonious. Why let two people who h

ueen's thoughts, but she woul

general hadn't called me, I would have been trying to call you. I

Aboli's words were filled with irony.

then said: "Miss Aboli does not need to be polite. I called you to tell you

ral Andrea had not told her what time it was. Aboli looked at the phone with an expressionless face, as if she wanted to immedi

aside, muttering: "Okay, don't tell the ti

ering a song. He wanted to see if he didn't tell the time how Aboli would arrive on ti

at his morning seemed

s clothes and left the room. Helly has

oo much. Felix always has freedom, and his own space is enor

hat this breakfast was going to end like this, Aboli sudden

in surprise; now that their situation i

ough we are poor, we still need some money to go shopping. It's okay, anyway, we have an appoin

he silently speculated; maybe Aboli was nervous when she

again to start becoming drowsy just because of General Andrea. Even Helly has begun to thin

d couldn't help but feel amused. Why didn'

ther. Helly followed behind Aboli and said sof

she agreed and nodded and said: "Yes, so if you want to f

iously, she is trying to advise Aboli; why turn into Aboli to

e, in the future, if there is a man who dares

. This look of Aboli has absolutely no substance called falling i

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