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The strongest alpha wants to have love with me

Chapter 3 If this is your decision, I will not interfere.

Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

stablish the wedding of Daisy and the general. What if there is no true love? Everything is nothing, and power comes first. Only blind people like Mrs. Melly would dare to think like that. sh

dy Mina's love. The Queen didn't eve

s also left this house. Their fate i

and prepared to enter the pala

she can see her warm heart, but she is a cowardly girl, with only Aboli in her eyes

palace. With this passport, she will not need to no

own father are too good. Aboli is extremely beautiful and has a strong and sharp aura on her body. Now she is like an unshar

port, then immediately bowed and sai

hen led Aboli i

nt fountain, then went straight to the Queen's palace. The servant saw Aboli and immediately went in and inf

lly will, of course, be outside waiting for Aboli. In thi

owered her eyes, then bowed her head and

y, Aboli, come up here so I can see you.

Aboli didn't say anything either. She raised her head and straightened up; the moment she

ne other than General Andrea, Aboli's fi

the Queen privately, he unexp

y no one could shake her decision. Even if General Andrea was here, Aboli

e couldn't help but frow

strange feeling, like a pearl finally revealing its light. Aboli's temperam

ter what happened, he could know it was only sooner or la

boli's hand, smiled, and said: "Aboli, my daughter, look, you are

ded without hesitation a

a moment, apparently not expec

ed many ups and downs, the Queen was sti

his lips. Of course, it's not the same. Today's Aboli is n

he's starting to ge

"If William's family can't be nice to you, yo

said: "I don't think this is too necessary. I came

and said kindly: "Okay daughter, whatever you

iled, and said: "I want to break t

to the side, couldn't help but look up at Aboli. Aboli was still smiling, the gentle smile o

's eyes again; she smiled and said: "I feel that General Andre

a only saw this gaze in front of her. Andrea was taken aback for a moment,

owed and said to the Queen: "I have discussed this with

re frivolous, but I can honestly confirm that I am not compatible with Gene

his is your decision, I will not interfere. However, can you give me m

er Minister has no feelings for me. No love, but he seems to be extremely di

ook at Andrea and said: "I really don't understand how

een say that. He calmly sat in one place

he sighed, then looked at Aboli and said: "Oka

continued: "As for t

y. From tomorrow onwards, after the lawyer is done, I will no longer be Mr. Alat's dau

solute from being weak. To the point of wanting to leave the clan. But the Queen still had to think about Aboli's future. She looked at Aboli and said: "Have you thought it through? If you le

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