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The CEO’s Doting Addictions

The CEO’s Doting Addictions

Author: Ivy Powers

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 25/11/2022

ueezed her eyes opened . Her head f

ly as she wanted.Because of this, a

r such a long time, she wa

while trying to save her boyfri

she fell into coma and the doctor

ened and she opened her

working on jewelry design contest in colle

ied in two weeks.However, Elvi

accident while taking care of t

ne for the upcoming Jewelry Design competi

k get his hands on his family’s inheritance a

im to miss this ch

e sure that Jack

er body,Elvira heard familiar v

k on the bed and preten

t get married already.How long are you goi

Chloe Miller.She was

s in college.Elvira took it upon hersel

ese words.She was im

her best friend was truly hav

? If you continue like this,then I’m going to break up with you.Jack,I’m serio

n voice.Her eyes was tear

gn wins an award.It will announce my status in the industry and tons of op

ty after you won the contest in two days.You will also become a top designer.W

is our golden ticket.Think! Get your mind to work,Chloe!"

if her sense organs had been struck by reality.However,the

and said,“Do you take me for a fool? How is Elvira of any

ng helplessly on the bed a

t Elvira got into the accident.You shouldn’t h

glared angri

hrough the room and Elvira went

been well and hearty.Infact,she would have

al products of her designs.Now,we are

rated.He glared f

.I didn’t want her getting in between us.How could you blame me

art enough to decipher the reality before her.She wo

use I made it look like my rivals were

is eyes darted

rry me? Have you suddenly fallen in love wit

,her expres

you,we still need her to gr

that didn’t stop us from getting

eyes and looked a

if she finds out when she wa

a brilliant mind.Elvira is

so sure

rst thing tomorrow morning.After that,I’ll ask

his eyes glow

d her eyes wishing she could stand

t anger down her throat and

ly that it ended up digging dee

nger in her chest and tried to avert t

hat her whole life w

ight three years ago after winn

prang out through out the countr

offered her employment opportunities

out Jack Morris.So,she rejected

the Morris Group —Celestial Jewels that was given to him a

rom a contest when someone

efforts.She searched the entirety of her desig

s by her side

ind the scenes while Chloe attended

lued her presence that was why he

ust another puppe

took the force upon herself to help Jack grow t

d that she had be

n self mockery as it occurred t

ra finally heard the footsteps of the sl

ght.So,nobody could see that she

st of the rooms in the hospital,it was safe

the bed and frantically se

hin smile when she found

her phone didn’t get dam

hone and searched thro

ow.Can you bring me a few

ediately the ca

a ghost? Are you

e.I’ll send you the deta

ter that and sat down on th

me,I’ll cry for you.No

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