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The CEO’s Doting Addictions

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1265    |    Released on: 25/11/2022

phone while smiling to hims

xpected bride had no id

d another number. “Where is the

t tail stopped close to him. A chauffeur in a uniform came dow

a cheap car for a temp

e chauffeur,Calvin Russell climbed onto

mpossible feat this morning had just b

,he was supposed to pay someone to get married to him to save his wallowin

was actually confusing him for some Drake. Howev


as standing in front of an of

bag and finally found a g

in the city. It was an offer from Calvin Russell and the card was pers

his own to handle everything .So,she didn't bother

remembered him. She wondered if he was still u

ightly nervous when the recipient picked up the call.

ra felt silly for asking someth

Russell didn't hung up the call

ee years ago.Your assistant gave me your business card back the

d pleasantly calm and Elvira felt at ease. “I have a business

d ,“Meet me in my office first thing tomorrow

r that long.It will be too late if we meet up tomorrow,this is an urgent matter.How about we meet up today? Also,I don't think

ut everything she had in mind.After everything sai

er 60% of the market shares in the industry nationwide ,and not to men

hold up a great reputation while keeping his face away from the media. The Prodigious CEO of t

e wanted a low profile. It was miraculous indeed that E

te the details of their meeting to him. Nevertheless ,she

two days, so it would be too late if Elvira were to meet up with him tomo

ght also get a wi

ened involuntarily and she became

l her eggs in one basket and hop

two minutes.It was silent on the other sid

about to turn down her offer wit

her fate, Calvin spoke,“ Alright , meet me

efore Elvira could finish her words,Calvin but in and said. “Don't forget to bring all the necessary docume

larity,Calvin had already hung up the call. Elvira couldn't digest Calvin's

time to waste thinking about u

face and dashed towards the dire

pes was not far from the Eathreal

of his new wife that he couldn't go out to do anything. Because of

han fifteen minutes.Just as she was about to made her

called out her full name and

. “Come with me,Mr.Russell

e raised her head and glanced at the direction that the man po

etting at. Without hesitating ,she walked toward

ng legs done in black leather shoes. when Elvira got into the car, s

a huge effect on her. Then she raised her head and l

nt." Calvin's response was swift and cold. Elvira was caught

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