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The CEO’s Doting Addictions

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 497    |    Released on: 25/11/2022

the marriage hall with a legal ma

cab for which Elvira had paid

the marriage certificate.She lo

going from he

r lips and thoug

matter to take care of,Drake.Bid me good luc

from her bag and a pen. She inscribed s

pick up your things and move in with me.I'll wa

d her hand and handed

om everyone.I'm telling you,just so you don

cab stand.Unbeknownst to Elvira,the man

man back to reality as he dipped his hands

man! What on

ppened? Is there

atively and Melanie's phone is out of network coverage. I'm aware that she agreed to get married to you inexchange for the sum of 15 millions dollars this eve

rn,he spoke,“Forget about Melanie.We don't hav

just got married to

ry on the other side of t

ody else.I am sending a picture of me at my wedding,show it to the old man and

an! How much is her fee? Is she charging

her for the services,instead she is the one paying

it's true!" Henry choked while taking a sip from

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