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The CEO’s Doting Addictions

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1507    |    Released on: 25/11/2022

eard footsteps drawing closer to her war

back on her bed

on walked into the r

ma.Did I get pranked b

the slumbering figure

pid.How could Vira call me w

to the bed.She sat beside Elvi

u don’t know what is going on around here.Ple

she said these words.

vira and she quickly

baby,Sandra.I’m not dead". Elvira pu

this,she left her mouth wide o

e got over her shock and was about to s

h with a palm to sto

Are you trying to get me in troub

sit here.Don’

he bed,and Sandra s

I asked you to bring along?

ra a

are you going to do with

rry about a thing.Also

m everything and he is willing to succumb". Sand

ank you,bubble Gum" Elvira smirked as sh

l me that!" Sandra feigned exaspera

the bank and get the finished product of the Fire Pearls along with the d

are doing? What’s going on? T

e don’t have much time. Chloe and Jack will be here

and Jack,I don’t understand you at all. Wh

said an

ith him.Just don

hing" Sandra picked up her bag

ira changed her


! It’s getting

ira pushed open the door

the car,she looked around the p

e had hoped, but the person s

. It was already seven in the mornin

the man himself late? Wai

r the restroom.Upon sighting the bathroo

ght out her phone and looked at the

te time,he’s a struggling model and he needs all the assistance to elevate himself

l was the only hop

d to share the photo of the man. On top of

w could the so called serious busi

f the restroom and went to th

nd cheated on her,behind her back, it h

I need to show those ungrateful

of the restro

all man in a blue shirt sitting on the corner table. He had a laptop o

see his face

his laptop sc

nded suit. Ma

d needed to ta


od! Thank Go

you, S

ent hug to her

able. When he did n

the table. The man raised

ed his head

breathe. She w

t she was n

dra. Why didn

razily , sizz

handsome m

one checking

e appeared close to her. His


as a Greek God

g... a

for her to speak. H

m Elvira Dunc

e a fool. While extending h


hold it, he kept staring at her

is so hot but he also appeared to be a

this moment.He was sti

ont of him, “Listen Drake!" When she called h

r,Drake Stanton . But she did not w

you about my desperate d

A sharp flic

ed in h

,. Sandra tol

t , with a small bed. You can move in wi

is attention

a way to pay you soon enough .Once I will recover it. I will pay you handsome

ng ind

ant to sound

he first time, she noticed

a trace of fervor . But it was there just

He realized, she as

ant this marri

ed soonest.Whatever suits your sche

ible to get married now?"

readily.She thought she would have had to talk

therwise,don’t blame me

r,closed his laptop and g

nd walking towards him while rounding the tab

ng her a full outlook but sh

not the b

everything that was going to happen he

a contract marriage. She smiled and loo


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