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The CEO’s Doting Addictions

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 721    |    Released on: 27/11/2022

elf if she was going to have a business

Ethereal Jewelry is taking part in the Best Jeweler Competition in

designers and they are representing

rule that says a company can't have more than one product

this? What if you are a spy?"

ike this was going to pop up.So,sh

are the document for Fire Pearls.This documents contains the

ng with you.You offered me a chance three years ago,so I presumed that your compa

? What

hed the piece of jewelry into h

with satisfaction.Henry's cold expression finally changed and

o his hands.Henry took a hold of it and

of new life-It was enticing and it pique a

as made with p

long with a green fluorit

ed of platinum, w

legance. Therefore, it was a luxury product and the marke

onplicated gaze.His eyes fell

the Top 3 in the contest.It will without a doubt,be the

pulled back her hands but unexpe

amount of force.Elvira could not pull

thereal Jewelry needs

idea.I'll allow your company to have the trademarks rights of all the jewelry I have de

r,she knew there was no chance for negotiations f

s.Therefore,she could not fight a better pe

ough" Henry let go of Elvi

yes swop over the piece of jewelry.He lowered

aboration? I really don't have much time."

Henry's glasses,Elvira could feel the heat of his glowing

her tight hold on his

n and looked at

lry to Courtney.She will handle everything and

n my guard and let a woman cuddle away with my inte

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