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The Alpha King’s spy Mate

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 04/12/2022


be happenin

n by that...Alpha?" I ju

closer, fanning his breath on my face. He caged my wh

pervert that will do anything to force himself on helpless ladies. Sometimes, I wonder if he'll e

sure he just had a drink " You'll be my spy. I want you to always rep

zy. How was I going to do that?

all you need to do is to find him when you get there and tell him what you see

said the king alpha knows whatever is going on as he has lar

have with me from the witch, nothing will happen.

der where the courage came from. No one dares to question the Al

I was quite waiting for him to continue. " If you don't follow my orders, your brother Ethan will be held responsible. I'm sure you don't want that to happen right?" My body felt rigid" How...how did you know him?" He chuckle

ease I want to see him. Please Alpha, don

ut your family in danger," He said to me with so much authority that scares me. His eyes turned from their

. You may rise and don't look stupid " I n

er knew my father was sick and it hurts to find out this way. I'm s

l I get if I do as you say?" I craved to know what I can

chose you to be my spy. I know you'll do

ng you've been craving for all this while " He told me I knew I shouldn't believe him b

at him ready to embrace wh

hat you betrayed me, I'll make sure I kill your entir

klace to me and I too

d for the Alpha to find out your intentions there and what's more,

s. " Come in " Steven came in lookin

is it,

ctly what Steven meant. He gave me a hard look as if reminding me of w



g murderous, sending a chill down my spine. They l

hey came inside without asking for permission. This was an insult

rest" I kept mute and went into

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