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The Alpha King’s spy Mate

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

what about you? I hope the Al

ds out that we are going to the North together. Th

ley" She looks a

ell me anything again? I

old when I got to his office was, I'll be goi

he changed his

ways, isn't that

paused when she rea

ing it sound as i

ith this drama of yours

espect for my kingdom at all. Y'all didn't have to trespass, all you sho

it and we turned our

A burly man with an aura

aven't answered me " he s

ck. I see no reason why I should ask for permissi

ow his Alpha who is the King of Alpha. This isn't looking right at al

are isn't taken" Ashely whispered b

t i

but I believe you are aware that

d his hand " U

neck. Many of us were in tears but I held zero sentiments because I need to do as I was told to save my family. My plan of running away had come to a halt and I know if I dare to make a s

can find my mate who will then

Ashley whispered into my head. My hands were already

n that dangerous place. I fear for myself, I fear for wha


en going to escape? Do you have a plan already?" I star

you? I've seen your change of mood and attitude the moment you came back from yo

d, calm down" Ashley was not convi

n if you

er pack members also went with. I made sure I sat on the window seat preventing myself from getting squeezed. After every car was preoccupied, we began our journey to the North. I glanced towards Alpha Ronald and wa

my dazed look. I furrowed my brow, pretending as i

red " Thank God she was whispering,

g dumb. She glared at me "

ruth. I saw that look and no man in his straight mind woul

up" It's nothing Ashley

ssa. You were never one to hide secrets so what changed?" I rolled my eyes tired of her


ose making noise at the bac


ut sketch of the North. Somewhere far away from the West. I was beginning to grow tasty but who was going to hear us? The guar

Ashley mutte

rry, well b

ng is so unfair. We have all been dep

me. Then suddenly the next day, Ashley got pushed into the room. I remember how happy I was to have someone

n the first place?" Ashley was surprised b

I'm lis

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