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The Alpha King’s spy Mate

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

r. Lena held my hand in such a way that she believes if she releas

e whispered into my ears. I would have lau

will happen, Lena. T

scenario keeps swirling in my head and

es" ask your w

now she won't help with al

n door for us to enter. We all rushed in not ready for her shenanig

t has different shapes of ancient skulls and skeletons desi

to whisper as if reading my m

n't th

e was listening to our conversation. "These skulls and Skeletons all belong to our forefathers, our hero.

e here? I thou

the mirror down the door at the last end " she pointed then turned to us again " The alpha will come to inspect himself when you're

hing caught my eyes. There was a golden door far away from where we stood. Something about what wa

was about to make her way for the door but then again she paused like someone that forgot something"

what she meant. But something tells

is the last room with the golden door. If you don't what to

have the urge to know what was in that room. This

. Go t



ta mind linked him about some rogues that were found along the boundary of the packs.

ngeon to suffer while some that proved

ed his crown tiredly. He hasn't had any sleep for th

e said already knew who it was

he waited for the Alpha to motion her forward b

er to rise" What do you want? I h

did a personal inspection of the new inmates

He asked with

g this information but that was her job" But

d even harder making gra

ed out while pounding

s Melissa from the wast pack

ted the name on hi

s Al

s it abo

ral as if she doesn't have a scent at all. I think

an do except he or she has some special power by the moon godde

to their post. She'll b

tchful eye on her. Whatever she

nne bowed

re dism

after she was out . He wants

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