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The Alpha King’s spy Mate

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

make it easier for you then. You can choose your partner yourself so all I'm going to do is to pick ten people and I'll hand over

tes" Ashley whis

irst before we can decide to be roommates. If one o

left down to her right. She was finally standing in front of Ashley thinking she'll give Ashley a key, she didn't.

en I knew I need to fight for my breath. She was staring hard at the necklace around my neck but the thing is I don't know which one because I have two necklaces arou

u get that fro

d when I saw that it's was th

face " My fathe

O" sound " It's

ks," I

key to me " You can pick a roommate" I n

roommates. I don't think I'll be able to st

you'll learn to live

ooked her arm around my ri


ything in it. The restroom is joi

ned as she collapsed on it and I

eed to take a bath. I stink of sweat right

most thirty minutes in the bathroom enjoying my shower. The water was so relaxing. I finally came out with a towel wrapped around me. Then suddenly, reality hits me. I didn't

believe I forgot t

e kiddin

d" I'm damn ser

At first, I thought you left it in the car but surprisingly,

aked that's al


than enough you can use some of my clothes. I'm sure they

of all, I hate inconveniencing people " Ashley y

nd," she said

to accept " Thanks a

ed her box and picked out some of her clothes "

of the clothes, I picked out a short ni

rsty right now. At least they should have given us

the mattress. A thought came to me " I think I should go chec

where the kitchen is" Ashley said. Who cares? All I need right now i

ime, we need food. If I don't get something to eat right now, there is a

my return" with that I


an be heard from a room. I tried forcing myself from eavesdropping then I remembered my mission here. It was best I do what I was told to do and leave on time. I tiptoed as I trace the chattering, i

nne" I heard a particular person say and I grew more interested in the conversation. If I was in their shoes I also won't trus

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