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Jess of the Rebel Trail

Chapter 3 THE EB AN' FLO

Word Count: 2432    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

," was never able to explain with any degree of clearness. He knew that

l raise m

Thy grace

ened the narrow

dly time to look around she was lying by his side, a co

d!" Samuel exclaimed,

in t

sprang lightly to her feet, arranged her

lancing at the steps down which she had ju

muel looked curiously a

walkin' into a p

the girl suddenly and

e sartin. I feel somethin' like Bill Slocum said he did when a bear d


ft the bear in charge, the sam

ompare me to a bear,

ad some mighty good reason fer comin' down them steps the

" was the emphatic rep

ened, and his heart beat faster, for she was truly possessed of more than ordinary beauty and grace of figure. Her large dark expressive eyes betraye

he repeated, "and I want yo

fingers through his hair, a sure sign of his perplexity

though, if you don't help me. And you will, won't you?" s

carefully aside. He then unrolled the turned-up sleeves of his coar

tter," he said as the girl immediately obeyed. "Sorry me accommodations are so poor, but then this ain't

u will let me stay here for a while. You need a woman to


y let me stay, I think you

day, to say nuthin' of napkins, an' sich gear. No, I'm afraid ye'd prove too expensive fer the 'Eb an' Flo.' I've been cook here fer so long that I wouldn't

rtha?" the

n' Flo do all right thar, but me an' Eb feel more

your d

' Flo sounds about right to my way of thinkin'. When yer boatin' on this river ye ha

the girl smiled. "I a

s your

' some molasses an' oth

, Miss, so I think ye'

trouble. He's dead se

n i

son returns?" the girl asked,


g, of c

up. Thar's a dead calm now

girl looked anxiously around. "I want to ge

you to do is to go ashore an' light out

t get ashor

why not, I'd

s gone adrift. I le

and eyed his visitor curiously. "Say, are you cr

ate girl, that's who I am

hin' bad; nuthin' that

done," and she lifted her head haughtily, while her eyes flashed.

astin' any reflection upon yer character. I was only wonderin', that's all. Ye see, F

ish I could tell you all, but I can't. You will trust m

ed and looked he

y this cabin, we'll have to camp out on deck, an' I know what Eb'll say about that. He's more'n fond of sleep, that boy is, the greatest I ever saw. Why he'd sooner sleep than eat any day, an' he likes

I am giving you so much trouble, but I shall pay you well. Money is no object i

big write-up about Capt. Sam'l Tobin keepin' a fine lookin' runaway gal on the 'Eb an' Flo.' Why, I'd never be able to hold up me head agi

ed, "for you must promise that you will keep it a dead

cket a secret from me family. An' besides, thar's Eben, who'll be here in a jiffy now. How am I to explain matters to him? No, Miss,

d stood before the captain. Her eyes were wide with a nameless fear, and h

from this place. Then you can put me ashore in the woods, or throw me o

th a clay pipe, a plug of tobacco, and a large jack-knife. He examined them

won't you?" she coaxe

own accord, an' I've never yit laid hands on a woman. Now, if you was a man I'd show ye a

ned. "You will never regret your kindness to me. And

n's eyes bulged w

my fare. There, you must not object, for I have made up my mind, so it's no us

captain's hand and brok

ing upon the wreck. "I wonder what's comin'

them, Captain. It's better to break a

a pipe means a good smok

d looked help

girl's eye

e; that

't she w

nds upon what

nse. Isn't your daughter worth all

a heap of trouble, but not half as much as Eben. That boy


in perplexity, and shifted un

, nor swear, nor do nuthin' bad. But the trouble is, he don't

not brought him

bring that boy up. Me an' Martha have slaved fer the raisin' of Eben. We started when he was a

l raise my

when scrubbing the cabin?" The girl smiled at th

d me many a time. It has kept before me my duty, an' if Eben doesn't amount

me care with your daug

special care. They ginerally grow up all right, an' git along somehow

ention to your son, and let your daught

about it

our daughter

heerful as a bird, an' does what she's told. She's a fine gal, Flo is,

u tried too hard to raise your so


pent all their care upon their sons and let their daug

ned wide in wonder. "An' y

true. But what is that?" A startled look leaped in

p the stairs. He paused for an in

ben. He's bumped hard aginst the boat. You keep clos

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