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Jess of the Rebel Trail


Word Count: 1925    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

wind to rise until the turn of the tide, which would be about noon. He was thinking of Eben, and wondering what had come over the boy to make hi

ther and the man in the small boat. All this was puzzling to the captain, for it was very unlike Eben's usual manner. Was it possible that the boy knew an

at, and was making his way to the

called, "let me have

f. He knew that this must be the missing girl's lover, and he had no desire to meet him. There seemed to be

n' me?" the c

n replied. "I w

want it meself more'n you

to help with

ye," and the captain held out his hand. "I'm Sam'l Tobin, ca

s no difference to me who or what you are. You might be

ot be good fer yer health. A young chap about your make-up tried it once upon me, but it di

all upset this morning over Miss Randall's disappearance, and so am hardly respon

head to foot, especially his soft white hands

g man impatiently asked. "Is

t's really me duty to take ye home to yer ma, but I ai

ignorant clodhopper? Do

dn't be right to let ye have me boat, fer ye'd be sure to spile yer pretty white hands an' soil yer bib an' pinny. An' besides, if a

lighted. Glad of this timely diversion, the captain moved away and made toward the store. In passing the car, he did not recognise the driver, who, with his back toward him, was examining the engine, and seemed to be heeding nothing else.

list which had been given him. He was well acquainted with

he explained, as he handed over the pa

ied the paper for a few minutes. Then he looked

of 'most everything women need. It's a wonder ye didn't get them outfitted in the city. D'

coughed and shu

's on the

t ye r

ght it was all right, an' that

the storekeeper touched the paper with the forefinger of his right hand.

the captain enquired,

om slippers, table-cloth, and napkins. Say, Captain, your wife an' daughter must be ge

as very red, and he was mopping his f

, doesn't it?" the

't there anything on that list ye do keep? Guess we'll have to se

e list, and with a pencil scored

nor that, nor tha

kes what have ye got, E

y here all

r ago. Let me see." He turned and began to rummage in a dilapidated show-case, and at length brought forth with triumph the required article. He laid it car

though I would like to git back to me boat before the river freezes.

'em, Captain. I've only mixed-candy an' convers

all the same to me. I never e

the list. "If ye wanted molasses, sugar, or anything in the hardware line I could acc

ptain's embarrassment. It was not for amusement, however, that he was there, but for something far more important. What he learned seemed to please him, so with t

g, Captain,"

plied. "I didn't know it was

m the city. I didn't ex

ung up fer hours, an' can't git a breath of wind.

e will do you no harm. You have been shopping, I see? I didn't know you

y're with me?" the capta

ung man smiled. "I happened to overhear the conversa

in' things fer me wife

y're on the boat when I

why you should go to a store like that when you could have got all the articles in the city to

were searching for the missing girl. The young man, too, looked, and there was an

ing with much success, do t

" was the q

right place. They may be all astray,

that?" the captain so

hat the girl did not drown herself. It would be a most un

ain retorted. "Ye never know thes

take queer notions at times, as was proven by the list of ar

aptain demanded, swinging swiftly ar

ing. Look well after Miss Randall, and tell her to k

r minute was speeding up the road, leaving the c

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