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Jess of the Rebel Trail


Word Count: 2432    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

girl. He even smiled, a somewhat unusual thing for him, especially at such an early morning hour. He was sitting upon deck, leaning against the mast full in the glar

this tall ungainly youth which would hav

The second time he shot a swift furtive glance, and caught a fleeting glimpse of someone in the cabin. His heart gave a great leap and he was about to hurry on his way, when a merry laugh

urt you," she told him. "I'

at he was on forbidden ground, and this added to his embarrassment. At the same time it

d. "I want someone to talk to,

en found voice to reply. "

l's face became sober in an

e ye afr

n the boats,



in Eben grinned. "I knew ye didn't drown ye

id you

night headin' fer

ee me come

ssed what was up. It was nicer down there than floatin' in the river, wasn'

ed, and her fac

ry?" she unex

st had me

ways hungry. Suppose you come down and I'll give

and seated himself by the little table. The girl placed a boiled e

egg too many,"

e broke the shell. "Say, it's grea

I hope you w

nk it's nice. An' say, I

ou. But I thought

old ye

of course. I

An' mebbe after all it is. I nev


Girls are too fussy fer me, so

s morning, though," the

u came here to be protected, an' I'm goin' to

u do if they

rk suddenly upon the table, w

o well to git close to this boat. Look," and he poi

otested. "You might kill someone, an

them men come snookin' 'round here. I'll jist keep the gun in me

ntly exclaimed. "I want to get away from here, and ou

ben replied. "But I think we'll git a breeze when the tide

a sail on the river in a boat such as this.

makes a mighty big difference whether ye do a thing fer pleasure or fer business. I don't like it, an

to go to, and what

ollege an' learn t

, to run an engine

neer, to build bridges, an' do sich thin

then? Won't your

this boat some day. But, gee whiz, he's countin' on the wrong chicken. Anywa

ngineer?" the girl asked. "Do yo

in' bridges fer years, 'specially the one across the falls

he interested reply. "I

tion. "I never met anyone before who could

on't think I would do

ht hand upon a shelf over his bunk. In a few minutes he brought down a

egan. "No one but meself ev

sister?" the girl asked in surprise, as she lo

n of me if I did. I hate to be laughe

what people say or do, but just go on with our work. Why, what nice drawings you

the table and he was standing by her side. A thrill of joy possessed him such as he had ne

e, and this Jess realised as she carefully examined them. One bridge,

study of this," she remarke

e, an' every time we go under it I see some

hout speaking. There was a far-away look in her eyes

ing everything," she told him. "But how woul

gasped in amazement. "You

ime, I am sure, and I have no

ye. He might think it will spoil me from bein' a captain some day. H

f the boat which startled them both. The girl sprang to her feet, and looke

!" she gasped. "Oh

dered, as he leaped toward

lked large in the doorway above. Instinctively Eben drew back, and s

airway he stopped and looked around. In an instant he comprehended the sit

?" he demanded. "Didn't I tell

ght," was the surly reply. "Ye didn'

son for a few seconds as i

"I gave ye credit fer some brai

interposed. "It was not his fault that h

idn't want anybody 'cept me

had to find out, anyway, you see, so it was

weasel. As soon as the old man was out of the way, you two became very chummy. Fergot

girl laughingly replied. "We had enough sense left

But mebbe it isn't s

the girl's eyes, as she turned t

r comforted. "I didn't mean to frighten y

le ashore?" the girl asked. "Has an

ems th


s talkin' to a young feller on shor

er! Oh, say it

chap, too. Mebbe ye kin guess his name. He seemed m

e was more expressive than words. The captain c

he was a mighty nice feller, too, good-natured, an' handsome enough fer any gal, no matter

ntuitively he felt a spirit of resentment against the man with the car. This beautiful girl had come into his lonely, misunderstood life like the sweet invigorating breath of spring, and he could not bear the thought that anyone else should have the s

at's the matter with that boy, anyway? Ye'd think a hull pack of wolves wa

when a gust of wind struck the boat, ca

fter this long calm. You jist keep close here while I go on deck. By the loo

"I cannot feel safe while we are so near that s

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