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Christmas at Clevenden Cottage

Chapter 3 It’s Tradition

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

ple of days, we reluctantly abandoned our drinks and w

snowfall had slowed its pace, so we could walk and see properly, all at the same time. Trying n

alked, we snuggled ourselves further into the confines of our c

as we walked further down a la

ointed out, barely able to straighten he

iew, with a small coffee shop linked onto

hop.” I chuckled, trying to move my nu

curl up with a glass of the good stuff.” Tess chuckled ba

, and it was beautiful to get inside. Making our way around the small aisles, it felt s

ad, and some much-needed wine. I couldn’t wait to get back to the cottage, curl up in

at some point,” Tess commented, as we paid for

come back another time when we’re not at the risk

our footing. It was a relief to get back indoors, and hanging our coats up and taking off our

of the sofa, we took in the sight of the multicoloured lights, twinkling and giving off sp

lives over the past few weeks, it was nice to be here with

dered, tucking her feet furt

am thinking that a change of

rong with wher

always like that for me when the new year starts to approach. I wonder

een too long since we’ve seen each other. We need to start

times I feel like I’m not going anywhere fast and going to university was for nothing. Never mind, I always get

g forward to spending some quality time with her. Life had led us both in separate directions, and I suppose in that respec

, we decided to watch a Christmas film, to really start getting into the festive mood. Draping

I wanted to be. With my best friend at my side, a film that was so bad that

commented, noting how the night was starting

sentmindedly voiced, with her

antlepiece, I noted it was already half past six and I was g

on, I gazed out of the window and noticed how much snow was now resting on the windowsill. It was pitch black ou

knocking on the front door, and with eyes wide, I t

in a high pitch, as anothe

spoke, whipping the blanket

ne,” I replied, shadowi

omeone.” She lightly c

, pulling her back by her arm. “It

it being a mass murdere

I answered, before picking up an umbrella, whic

Tess grinned, eyeing me holding the um

s rolling her eyes in my direction, she u

door?!” Her brother laughed and stepped in, r

t the heck was

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