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Christmas at Clevenden Cottage

Chapter 7 – Full of Surprises 1

Word Count: 943    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

son in the eye. Of course, Tess and Elijah found it utterly hilarious, and as he

announced, sitting down at the table with me

ss squealed in her us

ho is the absolute l

t I know a guy who knows a guy,” he

mouthful of cereal off my spoon and not rea

ns the clay pigeon shooting range, and I’v

p for trying that

also managed to get us access to the spa at a local hotel,” D

spa?!” Te

that, so close to Ch

tel. There was some last-minute availa

beamed. “Come on, Ems, y

n spa conditions, and I could never do either of those things with him around. I remembered when we were younger – he was always unp

get there,” Dawson prompted,

attire on, ready for the day ahead. Putting my pink gilet, hat, and

now?” I thought out loud, as w

be trudging through snow and ice on the shooting range.” Da

g t

that in the winter months,” I cl

y time of year. I just thought it would be something different to do

been clay pigeon shooting before, and to be honest, I’d never even fired a gun. It was something that really didn’t interest me at all, and I was hopin

did ring true, and I had to stifle a snigger. Heading up to a man that Dawson seemed to know, who

of outcast, my fingers were already numb from t

oduced, as the man dressed in a tw

eeted us. He seemed like a nice man, but this whole outdoorsy vibe wasn’t

gun, as she was instructed on what to do. It’d never crossed my mind

winging around to us stood further back fro

son shouted, with Simon

unable to hear properly t

called out, darting over to her whi

shade of crimson, and dropping th

g his arm around her shoulders,

lled someone,”

cking!” I called out, trying to aid her s

rection,” Simon soothed, turning her around to

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