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Christmas at Clevenden Cottage

Chapter 6 Intrusion 3

Word Count: 781    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

f the hook in terms of having a shot. They always burned my g

ed wine was being served up, and to be fair, that was mor

n asked, taking a seat on the armchair as

o go and check out some things happening loc

greed, sipping the luscious, m

udging by this snow, we might join

ed with even more

son voiced, standing up. “It’s late now,

econd bedroom. You and Emma can take ei

ot.” Dawson smiled, making his way out

was definitely time to call it a night. I had to keep my strength up for the Christmas

teeth and have a wash. Brushing the minty paste onto my teeth, I freshened up, ready to have a good night’s

n. Tess had placed our belongings up the stairs earlier on in the da

he interior of the room, and much to my relief, my bag was there, propped on the floor. S

st, I just wanted to quickly undress and get into bed. Luckily, I had packed my nightie at the ve

slipped into bed and rela


t next to me, and before I could gauge my surroundin

cried out, leap

back, covering my

yelled, stood there looking like a rabbit c

e scrawny little kid I remembered, and the sight of him and the initial sh

leeping in the other

k, E

sitting upright. “My stuff was in here, so I

down in another room. See you in the morning,” Dawson replied

the sight of Tess stood on the landing,

him, as he stood at the bedroo

t in the wrong room,” he cove

laughed, with E


the bed, I pulled th

t a

d Chri

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