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Christmas at Clevenden Cottage

Chapter 5 Intrusion 2

Word Count: 962    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

and began carrying through the plates to the lovebirds, who by know were sitting at the

nounced, laying a plat

ted, grabbing the cutle

ipe the odd glance in my direction, but I really wasn’t sure what to say. My Christmas spirit had upped and le

need of a distraction, to try and focus and debate whether I could leave now and go back home, but judging by the

Tess asked, making

chuckled, turning to her as

n’t be that bad

ing a girly couple of days together before Christm

not al

s nice for you to have him here. I think it just

alone. You have us.” She smiled, w

smiled back, resting my head on her shoulder as we to

jah’s voice broke out in the

n the middle of the room, waving the ‘Who in the Room?’

ee table. Dawson and I seemed to both reluctantly join them, and sitting around the table

Elijah asked, with

his game?”

estion, and point out who you thi

beamed. “For each wrong answ

ere they tryi

son filled in, producing a box of c

ing a card. “Um, okay… who would be


ine that it would look li

er of Pisa.

miled. “Right, El

a different card. “Who is mos

” Dawson laughed

wer?” Tess asked, look

f doing it once or tw

ed. “I’m definitely not

s your go,”

ng up a card. “Who has t

th little to no reco

to me as my cheek

voice?” Elijah as

t’s a nice voice. It’s got that rich, silky tone about it.” I closed

.” Dawson grinned, with hi

on could be the next Ba

ry,” Elijah mimicked in his best Barry

ove on?”

o, Emma,” Te

ing up a card. “Who in the

mute, which was not like her, and Elijah had an expression on his face that I couldn’t re

Elijah or Tess,” I finally

” Elijah beamed, handing t

was that wron

ave?” Tess interrupted, leaning ov

the list of cocktail shots.

standing up. “Enough of this game, it’s borin

Tess agreed, jumping up and fo

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