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Laura's Hope

Laura's Hope


Chapter 1 Nobody Said It Was Easy(Laura):

Word Count: 4990    |    Released on: 02/03/2023

wenties, Doctor James was stunning. In a five foot five frame she was anything but average looking, all deep brown eyes

it wasn't time for my appoint

hallway. It wasn't an unusual for me to walk into the room alone, but I was still aware of both my mothers and sisters worried stares, worse my th

?" The way she talked to me, as if I was mentally incapable of understan

her shoulder, I answere

several times to assure herself that I was still following. Sile

troduced to the towns infamous survivor. The only victim to have escaped His clutches.Two

been quite a while since our last session," she murmured in that well known sympathetic tone. The sun wa

." Same o

ht, but quickly swallow the words and smiled. It was a weak smile, the kind you automatically kn

ily, knowing telling her that wasn't exactly for help, but rather because she would tell my mother

ervous about?" As i

.God, I hate the stares..." It was the most I'd ever spoken to my therapist so it wa

ke that doesn't end with a snap of the fingers. As for the stares...they're inevitable," she paused, giving me a chance to absorb the truth in those words. The cold reality. "W

st kiss with him and we had been inseperable. Now? I couldn't feel anything...I was indifferent towards him. He was a stranger to me. I wasn't the h

ing it. Doctor James reached out, for my arm, and I flinche

wn. Skin to skin contact was unbearable, though I don't--can’t remember why. And I despised not knowing who I was,

I denied it. I had tried and tried to enter that space, searched the deepest recesses of

thing?" I closed my eyes, wishing my belly wou

d blankly. Then

away, mussing her brown hair which had frizzed. I didn't bother

’s right? I guesse

f relief, I started off toward the office. We'd only

dentical in looks to me, the only difference, a rare case, where I out of both my twins, had been

ely before we left. As expected, the drive home was left

start in my chest. My mother, once an always smiling woman, now hardly smiled at all. She tired to hide her sadne

e was an odd house, but it was charming, painted babyblue on the outside with more than a few bordered white win

od and a wide window that face the backyard. I had one twin-sized bed that stood furthest from the window...forever fearful of His retu

, as soon as I’d been able to come home I’d thrown them into that box. Hadn’t opened it since even though I stared at it

mp. “Laura?” My sisters’ voice was muffled behind t

my sister smiled a lit

o walk in. She looked around, seeming to be disappointed. I wa

eady for

and she flashed me one of her glowing smiles. Then she sat on my bed, opening the box. Hesita

pretty.” Iris grinned, mischief sparkling

adn’t worn anything but

ok far prettier than

identical. Tw

r that,” I muttered, eye

reply she added, “Please Laura? For me, it’s only one day.” I sighed, feel

o…happy, springing forward for an obvious embrace, and I cringed. Thankfully

lmed me down enough that I could actually enjoy the sensation. I scrubbed my lavender scented shampoo until my pin-straight hair was doused complete

y perceptible eyelashes, a straight nose and an undefined chin. I used to be pretty…I use past tense because the subtle differences, usually noticed, destroyed my potential. The scar marring my right cheek wo

Drying, I freshened up and dressed into a worn t-shirt and boy-shorts. With a shiver, I climbe

my skin, but I quickly dismisse


, uncontrollable, suffocating me in a river of frost. I clutched the blankets to my chest, remindin

t had been so real...Surreal. He was coming, his eyes...all black, depthless fire. A scar...

was faced with the pool. It was still dark out, probably about six a.m. and I smiled a little at the cool air, nothing like the chill

onde hair was messy and she looked tired, but she smiled and continued down without questions. Brushing my teeth, I combed through my dirty blond hair before heading into my room. There I trie

op then slipped on black skinny jeans and my regular converse. Not dari

my dad sat at the table spinning a coffee cup in his hand. The resemblence between my father and me and my sisters never ceased to amaze me. With sh

erry wood table, noticing my

out his phone and snapping a picture. C

ur first day at school.” I flushed, hating the fact t

natched the phone from his hands and I almost snat

always been the more perfect of the twins, although she was cold when she didn’t like someone. My mother set a

never learned to drive, my doctor considered it too much of a ri

ised she was trying to have a normal conversation with me about something other than the kidnappin

led, picking at my bread. My stomach was f

nto my sisters black Lexus, me in the passenger side. The drive was a long one to Boulder High School, but we made it early still. When we found a g

seemed focused on conversation, completely ignoring me, which was a relief. We ent

he cafeteria. He was surrounded by jocks, none of which I recogniz

she handed me a pile of papers an

hands I found a map of the school, and my schedule. My classes seemed easy enough: First block being AP Biology, Second block: French Two, Third block

uniform. Her brown hair pulled back in a pretty ponytail and her brown e

tried ne

smiled a little, at least s

cheer? Won any competitions?” Mina smiled flashing a

ry single one so far. Listen about...”

ving to a group of cheerleaders across the room, before grabbing for my hand. I dod

ou to our new team.” Your ne

igure out where my classes are.” I pointed to the list in

, by the way, is over on the third floor, first hallway, class ro

cked down, I didn’t realize until people started staring. I blushed scarlet, one hand pulling to keep my backpack on my shoulder, the other reaching back to pull my hoodie up. I s

I nodded a little, waiting for him to hand the

little normal no one would notice me. The class began to fill up, one blond boy sat beside me on the right side while a redheaded boy sat on the other side. I kept my eyes down, un

eyes. A friendly face smiled at me, no accusing, no

imples. It was the type of smile no one could resist but smiling back

listened quietly. When the class period ended I packed my bag, allowing Isaac to walk me to class. He was a chatty guy, all about conversation, and I liked that, not having to say much. When we reached my French class, he left claiming to b

side me. Slouching slightly I laid my head in my arms, squeezing my eyes shut. The late bell rang

six foot one; he had a muscular build and was dressed in a white button up shirt. His hair was black and shoulder length, darker against that pale skin. I could only see one side of his face since he was facing the fro

nice of you

eplied easily, and my breath cau

tly away, not wishing to make myself look like more of an idiot. The teacher began instructions, handing me a worksheet with French fill in the blanks making my head hurt.

m to roll his eyes but he didn’t instead he smiled a little before he began writing. I didn’t speak again but I watche

he classroom was large, yet not enough kids filled it, making me wish I would have chosen the empty desk on the opposite si

ncing at the worksheet which to my surprise was completely filled. All fi

in, but it was better than the truth. Anything was better than that. He nodded; his

s accent could be covered, it almost sounded like he had no accent at all, exce

answer, but I saw the realization hit those hazel eyes. I w

saved by

ed the cafeteria when I saw Robert, stopping I turned, going in t

anced over my shoulder to

cited to see what would happen when Robert, who was walking with dramatic slowness, spoke to me. In desperation, my sisters’ face registered off to the sidelines beside a gorgeous brown haired girl. Her eyes panicked as I

go the whole school day with

d, reaching between us to pull my hood down. I

w you missed me.” Not re

oze dead, my breathing stopping. Everyone seemed to have frozen too, but they didn’t matter to my brain as

e her, but I couldn’t make my body move. Every feeling in me was shutting down be

istered what was going on around me. To my shock, Robert was on the ground, his hand clutching his bleeding nose, his eyes glaring daggers over

e my sister reached me I ran through the crowd. Not caring who I pushed down just wanting to be anywhere but there. When I re

ompous ass. I wasn’t aware I was being followed until the footsteps behind me became heavy. Stopping I expected my sister, instead the French boy stopped walking, sizing me up as if I would jump him. With a scoff

old your breath.” He flashed a smile, making m

ted to make sure you were okay, and you obviously

ied automatically,

at he guessed right, I probably could be considered a fa

ondering why I stood here arguing with him.

a breath, figuring there was

sarcasm in that sentence was heavy and he seemed to have noticed since h

, turning my back on him

ring him completely. I had the st

ame.” I paused for a minut

t him, afraid I’d see the all too sincere façade

ng why he was going through so much trouble to get my name from me when he could

the corner. For the first time in two years a s

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