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Laura's Hope

Chapter 4 Changes Of a Wolf's Heart (Bastien):

Word Count: 4863    |    Released on: 02/03/2023

owled an Alpha’s howl, dema

my grasp. The rage my wolf felt for disobedience was void in me, because I didn’t really care about that, I cared that I hadn’t gotten a proper co

my gaze when I tried to speak with her. It was frustrating, misunderstanding a simple

glare in his direction. The younger, dressed in demine jeans and a red v-neck attracted the eyes of practically every girl in the school, but, he never once showed interest longer than meaningless one night stand

stion, but held onto the last string of control, entering the car and slamming the door as my muscles tensed, preparing

way, I rub my hands d

ol before you expose us all.” I

unk my teeth into my wrist, the pain miniscule as the blood welled from the wound. My wolf hissed, all thoughts of rage repl

ed the breath I’d been holding in. The

ciously, but I stared back blankly. It was my business, and I refused to tell

pulling a freakin’ belt from that bag. As I looked, I saw the clothes stuff

d.” Instantly, he whipped around, eyes a furious black. I sighed

a fucking words objection! Oh, let’s not forget my perfect younger brother who says all the right things and likes all the right people.” He paused, letting out a bitter laugh, but I held silent, knowing he wasn’t finished. “He doesn’t fucking love me you know. He

’d created something for myself in France, with blood and sweat and pain as motivation, with only the help from one trustworthy Lycan, a Lycan who’d even abandoned me in the end to a chain of busi

or, again. In my room, I undressed, wincing at the sight of my shoes, in two different bran

ling, trying to ward off the nightmares,


t from my forehead with the back of my hand, catching my breath until, after a few more minutes, I left the room to brush my teeth and shower. At the m

ing into my leather jacket and making sure to grab matching boots. Then, before I grab

was admittedly an arrogant Lycan, confident that I could get what I wanted.

ory, I drove the short drive, listening to some artist I couldn’t recalled, finding that I actually enjoyed the song a bit. I could relate to what h

oked plain. I smirked, knowing if the featherbrained girl had heard that, she’d try to hurt me, but, I knew she wouldn’t dump me. In f

a second, I wondered if she was even home, but I wasn’t deterred, ringing the doorbell before stuffing

th, summoning the control I hadn’t thought I’d be needing. I wasn’t a sixteen year old boy, I was o

he couldn’t see how much I abruptly wanted her. Before she could reply, I stepped into

ght, my hands stung to run down those smooth legs, legs that led down to small, socked feet. I arched a brow at the socks before lifting my gaze to her face once again. Naturally, Laura was gorgeous,

th drank blood, the only difference: they drank from humans, we drank from our mates. Neit

looked oddly adorable and I had to look away before she saw the horrib

s stalk girls

even thought them. At least it’s the truth, I thought, t

. Her blue eyes were surprised as she chewed her bottom lip –bringing

I’d blurt out next. I just really wanted to know her. Instead, she headed for the stairs and dutifully I followed, trying to keep my eyes off her body. It proved almost impossible


ened a door. Her bedroom, I thought unsure of ho

h…interest. It was bizarre for the wolf in me to even consider someone as anything but an enemy, tho

are, walls a neutral yellow with a neatly made bed, a while dresser and walk in closet. But it was hers

oticed her anxiety and stood by the

boyfriend.” So they had left her alone. I inwardly groaned. Did they not understand how extremely


hen?” She stiffened a


I reminded, testing her to di

the girl was intelligent then. For a second I simply stood there, watching her intently, wishin

he glanced up, the blues of her eyes swimming with questions. Half-heartedly

ebrows rose in question.

already knew the answer, I wanted to hear

ally remember much of the relationship.” Her answer puzzled me, but I was t

stead of brown?” At the question, her lips twitched, taking on a litt

en a little screwed up.” In disbelief, I shook my he

you?” Startled, I ran

urted before I tho

cefully, I kept my gaze locked on her

easily avoiding situations in which I would have too, but this girl took me off guard, and though I

ore she could realize I was thinking too hard

tty snort and I grinned, pleased that she didn’t thi

I almost curled my lip at the muggy memories. France, a total piece of work it was, I wanted to

could take you,” my accent flowed free, covering the lie better. Of course I could take her if she really wanted, though it

g me instantly alert. Had I

a wince. It wasn’t like I would lie about

she dropped her gaze. My chest tightened with an unknown emotion and sud

s tangible. I could’ve kicked myself in that moment. Throughout the conversation I’d completely forgotten ab

mfortable, my wolf answered ang

a reminder of her kidnapper. If I could turn back the hands of time, I’d never have opened

at the end, though before I could apologize, she was walking out of the room and into another. Idiot, idiot, idiot,

the hall, where I could hear Laura. Or her breathing at least, harsher than I was comfortable w

take the time to really examine it, locked on Laura’s f

he backed away, a horrible fake smile pasted over her lips. Pained, I shut my ey

the pain. To bare it for her. And there was no resisting as I gripped one dainty in my larger one, caressing the softer palm as she stared up at me, eyes wi

ought. “And it feels…tolerable.” Suddenly, I was aware of the way s

I complied readily, two steps closer, so that my heat was positiv

orce, I resisted the urge to take charge, instead letting her feel me at her own pace. My breathing was even, though it took much effort, especially with her whisper soft touch, s

, letting her hand fall to her side, but nev

utside world became clear once more, and I made out the sound of a c

I thought

I opened my mouth to demand why not when she said, “Its

w morning. Suddenly, being with thi

I yearned to lean in, to brush her lips to mine carefully as she deserved, but car doors slammed shu

inserted to the front doors lock. Laura was behind me, pointing to another door beyond the p

which I smiled wider, even as she continued to talk to her father about hanging out with someone named Isaac. The Isaac I’d seen her w

a harsher wince, my eyes shifted, and I could see the way the wolf’s eyes were fixated on Laura. And if fell into place all

un away, but I should have known better. My wolf clawed me i

had Laura. But she was for the both of us, and knowing that lessened my rage, though f

we both needed, what we both couldn’t overcome, we were forever tied to that person. No longe

n the least, Laura was so m

ery obvious mating marks were. The marks were patterned in swirls, resembling none othe

we looked, the girl was still arguing, completely oblivious to the f

ed, shifting (with no care of my clothing) as I did so, until I was a vicious monster of a wolf. Fighting it, I tore throu

come oddly attached too. It held something over me, in a sick way that reminded me of

bitter laugh

de. I’d been born in Lycan form, and we went through puberty far earlier than humans, so I hadn’t been able to keep hold of one form, switc

y close, his forehead to mine. Fright and excitement surged through me, through my body which shifted once

, eyes wide as he abruptly stood and in front of the entire bar, dig hi

y to the onlookers. “Anyone who kills

even a penny to his rotten name. Instead, I whimpered, scurrying. Using my size as an advantage, I slipp

nd losing my head, shifting back to human where I’d be left defenseless. Still smaller than everyone, I

realizing that the choice was no more. I was going to die. Or so I’d thou

of the giant wolves lurking in the thick these, they harbored me, thankfully, for onc

he stronger, even if, years late

er figure arrived, a tall, lanky man with pale skin, looking crisp and clean…My father. I began

and I was wondering if you –Oh! There’s the little guy

hem, not saying another word as we disappeared into the forests. I didn’t know where he was taking me until I h

listering as he untied his cravat. It was

hand squeezed my shoulder, hard enough that it cracked. My cry was gurgled as I collapsed into the dirt,

bled through the words, cringing when he laughe

y would you believe such false tales?”

pidly. His answered strike had me falling backwards, shifting once m

the night, when she’d hold me. I was so weak to seek comfort from a female, I knew, let a

the command. I wished he would get it over with then, and like the Gods had answe

was a blank to me, but it worked to agitate him and he kicked me into the freezing liquid, p

know!” He paused, baring his teeth, eyes cold coals. “I would have been a b-better…” his

d me bel

alone. I smiled hollowly. For a while, I’d cried my ass off until Laden had found me, dressed me, taken me to the packs Doc

take my life again. And it’d been a blessing that a

ther had looked far

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