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In Search of Redemption

Chapter 5 Almost Lovers

Word Count: 4057    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

sked showing him by the tone

hands. He seemed to be busy with something more important. So I deci

n't ne

used at the binder, which made me even more irri

hy do yo

cing the binder on top of the dresser. "Be

! I don't know how you

fooled. I saw that in his eye

r, one thing I assure you, my steps were mor

ve no right to judge me! Y

everything. Your every step in eve

ow when I don't e

e had said something without thi

erything that has occurred to you so I

ut I let it go. There was

n your hands?" I asked grudgingly

n some plants around here.... These are notes of

rested in pois

do us no harm, but I like to discuss with friends why these poisons exist. I lik

back to some world an

l rolled

s anything from here to wherever they go. Do you realize tha

be so a

silly! You annoy me wit

ere some poison there so that I can take it a

said? Those poisons have

too bad,

n the gleam in his eyes looked like someone who was close to r

oody I'm going to ban them for the time being." He said w

't dare! You

decided and there'll

I had to acknowledge that I provoked him. I would treat him like a boring friend. Maybe that was what he deserved. And maybe he was what I deserved. Julio wouldn't

r" know how my re

sitors give you t

o compare your infor

.. They'

uffing! Besides being a hypocrite, you're a big liar!" I said, despite the fact that I had made up my mind not to

." He said shaking his head obviously

okay.... They must be grieving..." I replied poli


left their l

peaking. I don't know what you thin

her read

us have developed. Your family is not you, it doesn't work with them. And yet

ing able to visit my relatives but me. Suddenly something made me think about the past. If I l

ough?" I asked to flourish what I had i

answered grudgingly,

do in those other

n't te

en if you can't even

ot time yet! Stop bothering me

to find out about

id with such bitterness in

think like that? It must ha

... My d

't be tha

to the window, bu

ange in every life, but one person would never let me move on.... Always

... Who were these people who led you

people. It was a

k not to be born into

st. But my destiny was not

o find out about your past, but I don't think I will thi

.. But you will know. We all

s who say that time here i

understand that if you are not in good emotional shape any

ell me?" I asked i

ready you will remember. I will t

n will I

n I de

dy knew the answer, but I was determine

t in his eye that reminded me of the Gabr

etimes I've taken asking myse

ken care of m

d shaking

en't answ

I am you

power to decide my life? I

you are more lucid you will discover the

it is with all

ke w


s the treatmen

thought some

o you have ma


hange ideas with them

have that

. He was doing his best not to show



e a sou

ng I still can't accept. I believe we are all soul m

ere, so I believe it does e

staring at some point, but I knew he saw

u know w

im w


t is meant for you? I do. S

el! Tell me

p sigh and went



eady for you

here, is

s. He

he's not ready fo

rom distant times, wit

appen that I

ned and


th someone here and thinkin

ey seek anything that can connect them back to the place they came from.... But since passion is a carnal an

ever happen


ound your so

. But she is not something that complete

ere is s

red at m

hat he felt the same way I did. There was an energy that bound us together, attracted us. A powerful attraction. He knew it. Oh, how I envied the woman who was lucky enough to b

tracted to o


n wh

oke leaving his warm breath on my neck giving me shivers of pleasure. "Do you want to hear from my lips what you read in my eyes? That I want to rip you off thi

s nothing like

u'll still have me, but it won't be like you

ng down again. I was tired. I went back to bed and slept. When I woke up there was a tray on the nightstand. It was warm, as if it had just been placed there. I ate the whole thing, giving up trying to compare the taste of that delicacy with something I knew. From then on it was always like this. I didn't see anyone else, not even Gabriel. I always slept and when I woke up, there was a tray on the nightstand. I couldn't even realize how many days had

t was very important to me. One of them talked about the importance of understanding t

asses here will

(and should

e same step

one has hi

re unique and

er be the same

looking out the window. But soon I was back in bed. Although I felt better than when I arrived, an angui

him again. He had the tray in his hand and was closing the door slowly and carefully so as not to make noise. He hadn't realized that I was awake yet, and I resented the fact that he

e asked wryly. I had even forg

er than I do. Aren't

harp littl

e best, I confess!....

my patient woke

ve me here alone for days and days, with nothing to do

ing clear signs that you don't like me. And I can assure you that she's much more sociable when she's asleep and q

Dad, Alexia, Geisa and Antonio?

nd forbade visitors. Remember? I think I commented to you

hair in a nervous and ex

that. I said b

more fun than ever now. The s


sideways and then turning to the window. For a momen

think so? Not ev

ant and put o

et out of thi

and went to

nd be quiet like a

want to be stuck in this place! I wan

s you are saying, but not

. I got dizzy and felt that I was going to fall, but Gabriel was quicker and held me to prevent me from falling. His touch woke me up and looking again at the ground I saw nothing but a c

you, wa

that he was reveling in my weaknesses, I couldn't help myself and starte

nk you're doing t

hidden, malevolent satisfaction. His lips moved in a

zy..." He sa

s hands. "You lock me in here, forbid my visits, isolate me from everythin

feelings. Did you not see the weakness you had when you tried to leav

he way and arriving incomplete.... Or you are trying to make me really crazy. Is this your plan? Nothing you

you are protected, out there you are not. There, you will hear whining that c

to torment me. Nothing you do is for my goo

s eyes showin

ent who has a lot of dolls. I

are treat me

your head you throw back in my face. You make it ver

y your way of trea

e attracti

m?" I asked with a feeling I d

e of them..." He said with a smile so debau

started a little fight in which he kept asking me to let go. I didn't. In an attempt to get me to let go, he threw me on the bed, but it was useless, a

.." He asked

ing, but I knew it wasn't

e. It was such a different kiss... This one said so many things

t day that I discovered that I loved Gabriel in spite of the sadness, because according to Dad in his words, the love that fills the emptiness of

essive, his once gentle lips became possessive and demandi

in his arms, but when I tried to unzip him he pulled away. He stood up and only then did I realize that he was dressed and I was naked. I fe

He walked over to the window,


or a moment we were almost lovers. And I didn't know that I wanted it so much. The worst thing was that it seemed to be different for him. Like I was just anothe

empt. I bowed my head. It would be almost impossible to bear him now that he had discovered my desire for him. It was also a discovery for me. I could

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