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In Search of Redemption

Chapter 4 Getting to know The Cycle

Word Count: 3566    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

not die because I was feeling this way. I lay down and started to remember Mom, and the tears started to fall heavily. I thought about my fiancé and without realizing it, I began

After all, he was a stranger... Suddenly I remembered our conversation and was intrigued... Why did that question move him so much? Could it be that he had not yet come to terms with being there? How long could it b

till asleep, because I recognized Antonio and Gabriel's voices, they

her in my care?" It was Gabriel'


straction, she would be brought here.... And I am very surprised at your decision to put her under my care, knowing what I think

f you know some

reckoning, and I find out I was dealing with her in an intervi

n you be

eel like it's her. The instant connect

t hold so man

ve suffered. But you're right. I shouldn't hold my grudges. I'll just thro

lose." Antonio said revealing at last that Gabriel

hand, it means that with her presence here, the time has come for me to return t

Everything w

here.... Everything she put me through! I don't want to have

, I think it's unlikely you'll regress. They won't make the sam

t quite l

d bodies they only found themselves in the hot sky or in the midst of torment on some world. It is ob

er, to make her feel every pain I went through, just imagining that

s obsession and hatred of yours will only end up

any times!" Gabriel interru

e and for all that this is not the way! Don't let hate direct your attitudes, but allow the

n, after having lived with it so many times and for so long! S

ood spirit, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Take loving care of her without letting past hurts poison you. You are confu

to me about

ave to talk about it. Maybe

n the corridor, or maybe even in another wing? I don't know the extent to which we have a sense of hearing here. I was sorry they weren't there, because I was curious to know who they were talkin

unately it was Dad, Geisa and another woman I didn't kn

lad yo

is my daught

" I said looking at the gir

he was nervous. I saw when he turned to the girl and gave her a curious look. Geisa was standing in a c


u going to introdu

to her and taking her

g her hand, before Daddy could say anyt

well as you." I


Well, we have known each oth

ad. I didn't want to hear what

She asked looking worr

I care?" I said wi

" Inquired Alexia approachi

... I couldn

mbered Mom,

who was entering the conve

emember her. I miss her...

But I see her

d puzzled by th

at Dad as if ap

go." She said

re in the air and prefer to keep quiet about this subject for now. I decided that I would go b

to talk her out of it, but she won't listen to anyone when it comes to that... But you know, deep down, I believed this too, and I keep thinking about her disappointment when she

. I'm sure that if your father had a choice he would choose to love her the way he loves me. But the love that unites us is unique. It is special and you are

ng waited for me for many years. That is cowardice. No amount of love will make me change my mind. My character is one. Dad has lived happily without

become a single being, that is, we are complete now. We were divided so that we might know emptiness and turn to the Divine Master, always seeking Him and loving each other. Thus we tried to fill the emptiness and fulfill the commandment, and now we meet again to progress together. If there are no pending issues on either side. And I love your mother very much who has gifted you with devout, pure and true love. It's not wrong to love Liza. But it is

ages blatantly mismatch? You are so much youn

ck and forth in different worlds and at different times. I have been here for over forty years waiting for

d console us so much just with her words? It was all so magical... But I couldn't help bu

taking Alexia's hand h

ve to g

it me?" I asked worriedly a


to clear up some doubts for me if

's Gabriel's job

... Are we in para

e heaven. But the meaning is the same. We are where we need to be to see relatives

ause we were not good

is place reserved for us. Only a life of love and humility can take us out of the comings and goings of the various worlds. Because first we need to learn to forgive ourselves in order to love each other. This is the most difficult phase because you don't come out of it easily. There is always something that is owed. The creditor sooner or later pays the one who is owed. The second phase is here where you will receive a task, except for a few exceptions, only if you are not a debtor and have to return to some world, but it is not forbidden to have a task by any means, but if you

? After all, you have tasks here... And according to your own words, those who have a

r meet again. Even though we are kindred souls and will be connected for all eternity... And yes. I already feel the e

shed they would all come here where they would no longer feel pain or die to leave th

iness here. There is doubt and rejection. There a

ook forward to changing stages? To ge

nity ahead of them they don't care.... Some even ret

seem to appr

prepare for a new time, a new stage, new feeling

t believe in r

n't matter what you or other people call it. That's why many times a child is born with cancer and with a few years dies or even months or weeks, it's just an example, to shorten as much as possible his t

n I can st

rth? In

And how else

I may be wrong and you may decide.... Or be needed... We cannot walk

ou spoke of.... And I'm still very confused.

omes suddenly... I may be wrong and you haven't finished your cycle yet, but I hope so.... Perhaps because I wish you no longer to go

do. And I want to go back there. Not years fro


en will

doctor can

, I'm fin

ogical state is ready to see the people you love again without suffering an

edly crossing my arms. Not u

mmediately! As soon as it is possible I will return." He said

ent. Could this be how I would spend eternity? A

the door and soon af

favorite pat

nd threw it at him angrily. He looked at me confused as he picked the pillow up off the floor. I knew I was being childish

t want to see you! You ba

hat did I do?" he asked w

thing but a

o you s

ou pretend to

lly don't. I didn't tell

ike a cold shower o

hy did y

stom. Why should I care?

eakened. I shouldn't have attacked him. I knew that he treated me like this because he considered me a spoiled chi

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