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Dragon’s Breath

Chapter 2 Leaving Home

Word Count: 1877    |    Released on: 19/04/2023

blackness that surrounds my father engulfs me snuffing out the frail bit of light I have left. Now,

ng the silence, "What was it you wanted to t

raight into my very soul. These moments of silence are what scare me the mos

hter, and I love you very much. You

palms become clammy. What is he talk

ing over my words. The fear of what h

u everything that will be happening. I am not just sending you there to

t clenches a

gritted teeth. I take a deep breath

e. But I am also sending you there to marry the king's

prince, and a human at that. I am no longer nervous. Burning rage hisses through my body l

I am waiting for my mate just like everyone else! I will not take someone else; it i

marry into their royal family, then we will have long-lasting peace with them. Th

eping off me in ferocious waves. Wrath consumes me, engulfing my moralities and destroying the boundari

I would rather die an honorable death on the battlefield th

aching out, he grabs my face squeezing it i

being selfish. I have already made up my mind, and the king of Samirya has

e I will die?" I say, bringing my face dangerously close to

lution. You will brand Prince Geoffrey as your mate to make s

the prince, and I c

ates. Things could go horribly wrong. I cannot believe he is asking me to do this, but I have already

branding someone that is not

rything. We will never know the resul

much hatred as I can muster, I say as lo

room. Mates are very important to us dragons. They are better than any go

h of his only daughter just to keep those humans on

ening in the mountain. I do not even bother to take my clothes off as I faze. Violet fog surrounds me as I begin fazing. The sound of fabric ripping

o spill from every pore of my body. Sending me to the capital to defend it is one thing. But sen

my family. I know my father is not the only one that planned to sell me to the humans, my mother must ha

in, I lay on fresh green grass, stretching my body out. The mi

’s words. ‘You have to be strong; I will no longer be here to protect you.’ Running away will do me

wish my brother were here. He would know how to help me, he could comfort me. But since he is gone, I have no one to

ngs pumping against the harsh winds. Reaching the mountain entrance, I head to where I know I will find my mo

m!" I y

a, be quiet. I just got Loki to t

o marry me off to some human prince? You canno

ushes her

father...he, he told me to stay out of it. He said he

not mean I am not mad at her anymore. She always does this

oing to happen because of this? We are not supposed to

ubbing my back. I stiffen at the sudden

ust would not listen. Maybe the man you are going to marry will

g with those humans.     I know my mother is trying to make me feel better, but it is not helping. I push her away

through the opening in my room. I spend all my time outside unt

o to bed before dusk, trying to help prepare mys


ing at me to stay in bed. Getting up, I look at myself

pack the stuff, I will need for my time away. I really do not want

bothering to acknowledge my father. I sta

roof of the castle. There will be people waiting for you. An

l remember th

ind, a place where serenity flows as cool as river water. Clothed in the greens of every palate, the vibrant hues of

such a peaceful scene.     Fazing into a dragon for

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