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Dragon’s Breath

Chapter 3 A New Kingdom

Word Count: 1588    |    Released on: 19/04/2023

ildings and houses surrounding a large castle. The castle is bright on the blue beyond. Every stone is even and square as if those who built it were set on perf

ful in a strange sense, the city reeks of humans.

ht as my large shadow looms over them. This should not be their first-time laying eyes on a dragon. The smell of their fear fills me with a strange sen

outh along with a powerful roar. The people below screech, running around like ants. They

I land with a swoop of my wings in front of them, the ground rumbling under my heavyweight. Looking over t

th is hanging open in a silent scream, and his eyes look as though they are ready

the princess

wn to his and puff my hot breath across his body, letting out a grumble. Not a moment later, the man staggers back, the front o

ar completely bare, with my bag sitting at my feet. Many of the men turn red and look away while other

Perilous Horde," I confirm to the

udden change in form but tr

ase put some clothe yourself. It is improper for a young la

mal for one to be nude. Since it is physically impossible for us to switch between forms and keep our clothin

ely. You see, where I come from, bein

om my bag, I change. The bald man l

give you a tour of the palace. You may cal

eezing.  Nickolas pulls away from me as fast as lightning, win

astle is much different from the interior of the mountain. It is decorated lavishly in silks

ittering with diamonds. Humans seem to love extravagant things. We dragons love gold and treasure, but we would ne

arious things and places. Which I could honestly care less about. But I feign in

tour is over, I am sh

e in. After that, some maids will be sent to get you ready for di

nd I already have to meet my 'new' family. The day I love or marry

he door in their faces. I am glad that is finally over. I

dark marble with golden rugs laid out. The bed is sitting in the back against the wall, covered in a silky white comforter, with more pillow


ir. Several maids are trying to do my hair and makeup, grabbing and

meone with such perfect hair or skin. Dragons truly are as

ty. Dragons have always been known by humans for our other worldly beauty. Because we are born beast, our

" I say with a straight face, looking into her innocent brown eyes. The

funny?" I quest

d replies, "You may fool others, but you do

because I am holding back. My natural roguish natur

I smile and say, "I can assure yo

seems to me that you want people to view you as a monster as

fute, my short-lived conversation with the maid

ing and his family waiting any longer,” an older maid says with an

length gown. My hair is piled on top of my head, but not neatly. There are bits, and pieces of hair hanging all over the place. Many pins are digging into

he begs his father not to have to marry me. That would be a dream come true. Ther

meet m

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