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Dragon’s Breath

Chapter 5 Forest Encounter

Word Count: 1674    |    Released on: 19/04/2023

yone has usually risen before dawn to do the morning patrols around the territory. It would seem that I am th

nd yet I already miss waking up in the mountain, surrounded by cool air and the smell of the outdoors. Here in this ca

room. I am actually quite glad I was shown around the castle

got here. The morning air licks at my skin, and I cannot help but shiver

could spend all my days just flying. It is so calm and relaxing. The freedom of flight

nto some nearby woods, heading t

ter. I land, sending water splashing all around. The feeling of t

Swimming to the edge of the lake, I lumber out, extending my wings. I shake myself, expelling all the water from my bod

ook. Peeking over the treetops, I find that this human is very appealing to the eyes. His long shoulder-length curly black hair hangs loosely bouncing about his head as he reaches for some sticks. At this angle, I get a good view of

hiding in the shadows of the trees

ing and come out?" His deep husky v

ng tall and proud. The now rising sun glin

soul. His scent fills my nose, and my primal instincts are telling me to take him away and never let him go. Though I do not think the people in the castle would be too keen

blazing in his eyes, he questions

n. Though in my dragon form it probably

ng you, we were simply in the same place at the same time," I sa

s startled, but the lo

lowing me, why did you tr

themselves at first sight of a beast like me. You could

human that is different, but I jus

ment', but I don’t find you terrifying in the least. Your presence was a shock.

are either scared or disgusted by me. But you, I have not seen an o

ink you are." He pauses for a moment staring into my eyes with an unreadable emotion cove

s ever said that to me. My heart is flickering with unknown emotions from this human’s words. I have never

dragons as monsters," I grumble.      Though I am quite pl

fined cures of his body; the way his broad shoulders sit in perfect proportion with hi

n? I just complimented you and you w

at him tho

t I am not used to your kind

in softness floating in them. "People are afr

se you are righ

I look out at the distant city taking in

hat is the city like?” I

om what I’ve seen of the city in all the years I have lived here it is rather pleasant. There is constant music and plenty

acksmith?” I que

n my trade for many ye

blacksmith are

rtner make weapons and arm

my sword from home with me. Having a new one made would not be such a bad

should visit the city. You

ded places, or humans for

people around that as long as you show up in human form, they

o visit the city, I will have

bright in the sky. I have been gone too long. It is time to hea

I ask, "What is your

g off his deep brown eyes, "I'm Flaviu

forget. Flavius. I have a feeling

I must be off now. I do hope we have the chance to see

send out a gust of wind a

ver told me your name,"

but I do not reply. Messing with this human is

, no one has noticed my absence. When I reach my destination, I get dr

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