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Dragon’s Breath

Chapter 4 Meeting A Prince

Word Count: 1371    |    Released on: 19/04/2023

ress. Next time, I am getting myself ready. What could have possib

dressed, I simply cannot risk offending them. Pulling the bright yellow dress up to my knees, I rip the fabric, tossing it to the floor. The once floor-length dress turns into

travagant gowns and suits. All eyes are focused on me the second I enter, causing me to shrink away. I w

silky red rug lined with gold sits under the large rectangular dining table. The table is a dark brown, covered with a gold

hite hair and deep brown eyes stands up when

ven more beautiful than I imagined," the old man, who

and for a moment I feel my heart stop. His eyes are piercing, but not in

I force the words out trying my hardest not to show just how uninterested I am in conversing.

lond hair sitting opposite the

he king, you should give the proper greeting of a nob

ye with a sharp, and haunting gaze. Along with my anger, I release my aura to fill the room. The unsuspecting humans submit to me under the pressure of my

the queen as I speak in

a way to greet those who you respect. As a foreign ambassador, it is unb

s straight ahead furious. I glance in the kings direction, and I am surprised to

in princess Eleonora meant no disrespect. We invited her here. Therefore, we should respect her

king,” the qu

k compared to a moment ag

a seat," the king says to me point

he is to be

of silvery light perform ballets throughout his light chartreuse eyes. His face is strong a

e over to my seat and sit down. Clea

ered, I have an announcemen

us Horde have concluded that the best way to prove the strength of our alliance is to hold a royal wedding. This wedding does not just show our strength. But a grand celebration s

hurt my sensitive ears. The man sitting nex

ffrey,” he says. His voice is silky smooth and soft on the ear

o call me Nora. Consider yourself luc

ts out a hearty l

ress people while you are here. You might one day find you

feel anger creep in at his words. I cannot believe he dares to threaten m

eing threatened lightly by anyone,

is soon covered with a mask of indifference. Clear

cess. I was simply giving my future wife a fe

as hell knows how to irritate me. He keeps calling me his future wife as if to ru

ou might look better if you do,” Geoffr

will not force myself

en us for the rest of the night. Once

oose cotton shirt. These are the clothes I am most comfortable with, even though they are 'unbecoming' of a princess.     After washing the makeup from my face and brushing my

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