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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1786    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

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e sketch already given of the characters which formed the Glenfern party. The conciliatory indulgence of Mrs. Douglas, when aided by the good-natured Miss Grizzy, doubtless had a favourable effect on the irritated pride b

of that balmy blessing sleep; from the divine effusions

and the poor are blessed with its charms; and conscience-even conscience-is sometimes soothed into silence, while the sufferer sleeps. But nowhere, perhaps, is its influence more

, yet philosophy has scarce any power to soothe their worrying, incessant annoyance. Douglas was glad to forget himself in sleep. He had thought a vast deal that day, and of unpleasant subjects, more

nd, in consequence of having retired sooner to bed than he wa

with their bodies, and less with their minds, caused him to rise hastily and

t, and containing many sage and erudite directions for the composition and dimensions of that ornament to a gentleman's farmyard, and a cottager's front door, ycle

sted is son to take a turn with him while breakfast was getting ready, that they might talk over past events and new plans; that he might see the new planting on the hill; the dra

bled the breakfast table, Lady Juliana made her appearance, accompanied by her fav

h gales, not of "Araby the blest," but of old cheese and he

ing, Miss Nicky commenced the operation of pouring out tea, while

with this?" exclaimed she. "Do

t before the eyes of our dear niece. I declare! Pray, was it the sight or the smell of the beast [1]

g that flies and swims ra

as he was styled, immediate

o be got ready d

hout speaking; but the old gentleman expressed his surp

son of this sudden reso

a tone of stif

to hear it; it is because I find

up their hands and eye

dy Maclaughlan you would shun

n," replied her nephew, with a heightened

chief, while Mrs. Douglas vainly endeavoured to

spered his wife in

ibald Douglas can say will have power to change our opinions, or, I hope, to prejudice his brother and Lady Juliana against this most exemplary, virtuous woman-a woman of family-of fortune-of talents-of accompli

w many different medicines for Sir Sampson's complaint, and makes a point of his taking

re, as she has done many a poor wretch a

t, the scalding contents of which discharged themselves upon the unfortunate Psyche, whose yells

"Do send for a surgeon; pray, Henry, fly! Do fetch one directly, or she wil

so absurd? There's no surgeon

ow could you bring me to such a place? Good God! those dear crea

re. I understand something of physic myself; and our friend Lady Maclaughlan, who, I da

tae to the brute's

d gr

ald ointment that wil

will kill," said Mr.

o you to protect the character of this most amiable, respectable matron from the insults and calumny your son thinks

blame: Leddy Maclaughlan is a very decent woman-at least, as far as I ken-though she is a little free in the gab; and out of respect to my

a tone to be disputed, and

applied to Psyche's paw, peace was

e has not tasted a morse

plateful of them before her. "Here's tempting pease bannocks," interpos

eir delicate niece, with an air of disgust

n London, my love," said

ell then, give me some toast," wi

at present," said Miss Nicky; "but we've sent to Drym

in the bounds of possi

Douglas. "Do

beefsteak, if it was very nicely done," r

!" repeated

!" responde

" reverberat

the three spinsters, it was at length unanimously

dertone, "what reflections we should have to make up

ke a raw beef-stea

d plump moor-fowl were quickly produced, of which Lady Ju

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