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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1158    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

aks the fields,

truggle with

ivulets-are b


sation with him. Lady Juliana was beginning a remonstrance against the cruelty of taking Harry away from her, when her husband whispe

ng the table of its heterogeneous banquet, it w

Lady Juliana, the other upon her five nieces. Miss Grizzy seated herself by her

ns untried to entertain their listless niece, whose only replies were exclama

wers in that way, they speedily equipped themselves, and repaired to her chamber, arrayed cap a' pie in the walking costume of Glenfern Castle. And, indeed, it must be owned their style of dress was infinitely more judicious than that of their fashionable niece; and it was not surprising that they, in their shrunk duffle greatcoats, vast poke-bonnets, red worsted neckcloths, and pattens, should gaze with horror at her lace cap, lilac satin pelisse, and silk shoes. Ruin to the whole race of Glenfern, present and f


ittle accustomed to be advised as she

obody can deny that; and I daresay it is the very newest fashion. At the same time, I'm just afraid that it's rather too delicate, and that it might perhaps get a little dirty on our roads; for although, in general, our roads are quite remarkable for being always dry, which is a great comfort in the country, yet you

no better effect than the quotation from Thom

inery. I assure you they are not accustomed to see such fine figures; an

sion in Scotland to

beseeching Lady Juliana to put on

portunities, "and I shan't get any winter things now till I r

ned to have her own way, that she would either go out as she was or not go out at all. The aunts were therefore obliged to submit, and the party proceeded to what was termed the high road, though a stranger would have sought in vain for its pretensions to that title. Far as the eye could reach-and that was far enough-not a single vehicle could be descried on it, though its deep ruts showed that it was well frequented by carts. The scenery might have had charms for Ossian, but it had none for Lady Juliana, who would rather have been entangled in a string of Bond Street equipages than traversing "the lonely heath, with the stream murmuring hoarsely, the old trees groaning in the wind, the troubled lake," and th

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