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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1883    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


their sex no

tion he, and

e, and sweet at


ghlan?" said Miss Grizzy, as she sat

t," cried Miss Jacky, turning up

e wind," sigh

ith the bread,"

an, I assure you," p

oured, large-flowered chintz raiment, carefully drawn through the pocket-holes, either for its own preservation, or the more disinterested purpose of displaying a dark short stuff petticoat, which, with the same liberality, afforded ample scope for the survey of a pair of worsted stockings and black leather shoes, something resembling buckets. A faded red cloth jacket, which

ing, he pulled forth a small bundle, enveloped in a military cloak, the contents of which would have baff

now resounded through the narrow stone pa

him in, Philistine!

has Sampson in his hand

air, as the group now


sters, as they severally exchanged a tender

iece, Lady Juliana Douglas," said Miss Grizzy, leading her

chin of the youthful beauty between every pause. Then, holding her at arm's length

n," cried her three friends all

Sir Sampson?" turning to the little warrior, who, having been seized with a violent fit of coughing on his entrance, had now

Sir Sampson's cough is


How can a thing be distressing that does no harm? He's

it would be a thousand pities to stop i

authoritative tone; "because, though it's not distressing, it's very disagreeable. But

from this aspersion; "how can you persist in saying so, when I have told you so often it proceeds entirely from a cold caught a

ing around him; "leave him to Philistine; he's in very good hands when he is in Philistine's.

o light; they're saucer eyes, and I don't like saucer eyes. Why ha'nt you black eyes? You're not a bit like your father-I knew him very well. Your m

ondent feelings on her own; yet her features were finely formed, marked, and expressive; and, in spite of her ridiculous dress and eccentric manners, an air of dignity was diffused over her whole person, that screened her from the ridicule to which she must otherwise have been e

Sir Sampson from f

ted his lady as she

nd," attempting, at the same time, to emerge from the huge leathern rec

weet niece will come to you, don't take the trouble to rise; pray don't," each

walk to Sir Sampson than he to you," pulling Lady Juliana in front

t this freedom of my lady's. I beg your ladyship ten thousand pardons; pray be seated. I'm shocked; I am ready to faint at the impr

be very good legs, but they can't walk,

arge spur could give a respectable appearance: "You see that leg strong and straight," stroking it down-; "now, behold the fate of war!" dragging forward the other, which was shrunk

ism," burst from the lips of the astonished spinsters, as they crowde

atically utte

aid-de-camp to Lord ---. His horse took fright, I-I-I,"-here, in spite of all the efforts that could be made to

y, as she supported him; "talking never did, nor never will agree wit

r Sir Sampson could ta

n't take the moon, if you meant hat; but he must take what I gi

zy, flying to a cupboard, and, drawing forth a bottle, s

e feebly; "that's not my

y own stomach lotion. Bless me, what will be done?" and she wrung her hands in despair. "Oh, Murdoch," flying to the Philistine, as he entere

a hair the war o't; for hurs wad na tak' the

" observed Miss Grizzy; "in that case it ma

r entered, and the ceremony of presenting her nephew to her fri

this is our nephew Hen

Sir Sampson and you. He

eatest interest in every

na an

adyship, as she surveye

ove with you, it seems;

y good come of

traordinary address, and withdrawing himself from her s

my toilet; which of you am

hs; "our dear niece will excuse us for a little; you

r Sampson, bowing with an air of gallantry; "

ed to perform the import

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