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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

t to retrace o

when each thin

mountains, and

ld brooks

ngs must have sunk beneath the horrors of such a journey. But she remembered the Duchess had said the inns and roads were execrable; and the face of the country, as well as the lower orders of people, frightful; but what signified those things? There we

age, which had irritated this old bachelor so much that he instantly disinherited him, and refused to listen to any terms of reconciliation. The impressions which the scenes of his infancy had left upon the mind of the young Scotsman, it may easily be supposed, were of a pleasing description. He expatiated to his Juliana on the wild but august scenery that surrounded his father's castle, and associated

at upon picnics and dancing! -àpropos, Henry, the

h. A small sullen-looking lake was in front, on whose banks grew neither tree nor shrub. Behind rose a chain of rugged cloud-capped hills, on the declivities of which were some faint attempts at young plantations; and the only level ground consisted of a few dingy turnip fields, enclosed with stone walls, or dykes, as the post-bo

onder hideous grim house-it makes me sick to look at it. For Heaven's sake, bid him drive on." Another significant look from the driver made the colour mount to Douglas's cheek,

iver; "ca' ye thon a hoo


, sat silently wondering at her husband's curi

y lad: why, what's become of all the

pointing to two or three tall, bare, scathed Scotch firs, that scarcely

red from the right road," cried the now alarmed Douglas in a

wheel, was about to proceed, when Lady Juliana, who now began to have some vague suspicion of the truth, call

that fellow persists in asserting that that is Glenfern, though I can scarcely

ss, she sank back in the carriage; but the motion of it, as it began to proceed,

the least feared, for there were na twa cannier beasts atween that and Johnny Groat's hoose;

sert; her only replies were bitter reproaches and upbraidings for his treachery and deceit, mingled with floods of tears, and interrupted by hysterical sobs. Provoked at her folly, yet softened by her extreme distress, Douglas was in the utmost state of

n Castle. But there the friendly veil was necessarily withdrawn, and the first object that presented itself to the highbred Englishwoman was an o

ady to alight; then accosting the venerable domesti

ackaw); then, tottering before them, he led the way, while her Ladyship followed, leaning on her husband, her squirrel on her other arm, preceded by her dogs, barking wi

this term of respect ind

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