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Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 2061    |    Released on: 18/06/2023

imed the person who s

rk. She even had to come closer and point the gun at him. Before she could even a

o are you?" the

d a gun at him but he was also very grateful when he p

w you because I'm Ma'am Jannelle's staff. I'm, Miss Ad

when it has Love? Ah! The world seems to be spinning differently. Is he going crazy? When he remembe

I'll leave you the

of the discovery. Several women died because of his obsession, but it was

Sir?" the self-procla

urb them with his guest," he answered. He di

n or it would be more correct to say that it laugh

ry, Sir.

from my room. Don't you know you're disturbing

I'm just happy to see a shooti

was night, it was enough to be heard by th

e shadow again. I think this is also a case of a mind rea

the living room? I'm not in a position to say, but trust me, Miss Adel. I'm

eam, and you said the one in the living room is proof. S

the light when she's asleep before the people in the living room leave. By the way, it seems to have increased That's what I said. If I were you, Sir,

ed. Huh! It's not Adel, who's in the living room, he's dreaming. Tsk! T

a part that wants to go inside to talk to the girl in de

sed through the other side of the house. There h

here is he? Why didn't he knock?" Ad

hich one should I answer fi

me up---ah, he was the one you were talki

he end of the hair to the end of the toenail, it seems to be the worst.


e it's re

moving back and forth. It's a good thing I saw him. If only by chance I wasn't dead wit

she said. She has a name, Shaina. It's just that she's used to calling

seems like there is a miracle, the ones in the

them before I fly. Come on, Shadow, it's your fault i

t smile reaching her cheeks. After all, she can't blame she

someone like that...well....it's challenging." She kept tickling because the thought of them finally bei

re going home, Si

uddenly showing up?" The young man continued. He's not a surprised person b

ording to Ma'am Jannelle, she is head over heels with Miss," replied the

Adel is already asleep? What if y

ced where the person they were talking about passed by, how she got so close that no one

Sir. She said her dream was interrupted so

over there and I'll go ho

ars, suddenly disappears." He shook his head bec


that time. He even jumped because in addition to suddenly s

le your opponents in Thailand when there were only four of you. Now that

oking at was wide. The person res

ad of courting you properly, I won't. Huh! M

th his love life. Hmm, is there a lover like that? It's surprising

engulfed him, he c

" asked the

ause I will answer you tonight. You might cha

cause apart from being surprised by what he answer

't. Ah, I'll just flirt with another man. Tsk! Why did

ll, just take it back and forth. He was supposed to go home without even showing up

ly the same age and can love each other even if you're studying, there's no problem. If you want and so there's no tr

ld see the satisfaction on his face. Because he knows they

er side of

. If he had done it before, they wouldn

ned for them. It seems 'Separated by fate but also bound by fate'. But since they met

nly goal is to make sure that people who truly

t for me. We need

else and hiding a relationship here at home. And another thing is that I would have had a boyfrien

l. But maybe you can tell me in words.

d I don't talk to men. But since you are strong with me, go ahead, love that I love you t

m from having a relationship with someone who is twelve year

hugging her. He hugged her tightly. He wasn't even satisfied

e. I don't want us to start our relationship with a misunderstan

verwhelming love for a woman who is twelve years younger

he two of them were stationed outside but under the tree. The surroundings are bright becaus

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