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Collection of short stories

Chapter 2 Memories

Word Count: 4923    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

tall, blessed with a pointed nose supported on both sides of her egg-shaped face with eyelashes like a doll's. She has a dimple which appears in her left cheek whenever she smiles. She also h

ead always. Whenever they inquired from her about where she bought her human hair weave-on, the reality dawns on them that, her hair is not artificial, but God given. Before long, her hair's long length became orchestrated news. She is popularly known as t

s succulently intoxicating and arresting the eyes of many men. She has a slim waistline of twenty eight inches bearing her artistically curved forty five inches wide hips, resting on her two well sculptured spotless slim legs, blended with her chocolate complexion. This makes her calculated steps or body movement wriggle her buttocks with electrifying invitation to

higher grades with any 'son of a bitch,' who calls himself a lecturer," she

at can move me to open my laps for any male

how you, Okpoghikebe and Anama are presently living on and off campus?" Omotikorkor

different backgrounds, they share certain traits such as- the desire of getting money at all cost possible with their bodies; the hunger of wearing the best designer clothes; the craze for driving the latest car; and the madness of being classed as 'happening big girls' in the committee of global beautiful ladies. However, among the trio, Omotikorkor, knows the limit she extends her tentacles of looking for money, even as she has been hearing

thing that gives me money," while shaking her ass here and there many times nakedly in the bathroom, in the midst of other watchful female students who never fail to envy her beautiful long hair, erect paw

bless the name of the Lord everyday," Tikorkor tells I

ou can buy artificial human hair and attach them to your natural ones and fast for

ern gadgets of cosmetics, I will always get attention from any man I want," Anama would say on any occa

ke the English. She is an expert in the use of cosmetics. Nearly all the female students in the hostel she lives ask for her services to make them up during weekends when 'big boys' usually come from town to campus to pick ladies of their choice. With the money she collects from them she "settles" the lecturers whom she failed their courses or did not perform well in their courses. But since human wants are insatiable, the money she makes from her cosmetic services is not always enough to satisfy her piling wants. Just like Ikebe, Anama has no love in her dictionary of relationship with any man. What she calls love is when a man has money to lavish on her like ninety-nine percen

her clients, relaying her relationship about her latest catch to Anama. Shayor is a lady with an ugly face

s she is not an autovac like most ladies in tertiary institutions, using their bodies/money to entice lecturers to increase their grades to higher levels. She is intelligent and

At least, it cost you nothing but your time, body and

assive belly that possesses a very tiny pencil. He could not perform. He only asked me to suck his little feeding bottle. A lot of cream was oozing out of the bottle which over-flooded my mouth until I felt like throwing up as it seems my stomach was becoming saturat

take care of those things. With money you can get rid of

with jewelries her new catch had just given her when she finished her appointment with him the previous nig

g bottle. What if he had asked you to make love with his dog for a

ever do that for any amount

ey. To hell with any bitch who asks me to make love with h

en as a lady from a well-to-do background like her roommates, made Tikorkor join the bandwagon of ladies selling their honey pots on and off campus. Her roommates are from fairly well-to-do middle class families. Tikorkor's two roommates are naturally greedy for money and material things according to the orientation given them by their parents. In spite of all the escapades she has been involved in on campus without her parents' knowledge, she always remember her parents warning to the extent one should go when hunting after money, as it could endanger one's life

r in her department wooed her. She told him pointblank that the only way he could make her fall on his shoulders was to buy her a Honda car. The lecturer, who was hitherto known as an honest person, became involved in collecting bribe from students who did no

o others who have no cars. As they saw Ikebe driving her new car and parks it in the ladies car park section on the hostel ground, it led to her invitation to join their clique. She started sidelining her room mates in whatever she is doing as soon as she became a welco

them as they enter the presence of the two gossiping ladies. Their names make Tikorkor to further think that both of them were rats hunting experts. She inquires whether Kashinrat is good at catching rats, while Bukinrat is excellent in rats booking. Her inquiries elicit a loud laughter from both of them. Bukinrat asks Tikorkor, how she will classify

nding rats in our society, just as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (E.F.C.C.) is at present booking many plundering-rats that have been terrorizing Abugulus jungle's treasury. Her eloquent explanation of their names etymology makes them fall in love instantly with her. Even though she has no car, they all the same invite her to join their caucus of friendship. This opens a gateway to a new dimension of money making for Anama. She and Tikorkor were taken out this Sunday evening to vis

d!" Tikork

d only today we will sleep with the dog or horse and b

know of the secret later?" She ponders as she sits close to the older of the two money-miss-road white men. She feigns as harlots feign passion for an end, and pu

he sitting room. As soon as the dog sees the five ladies, it started wagging its tail, jumping on the three "car owners club ladies," one after the other. It pushes his head between each of their thighs a

st of the white men, and says, "My dog has

ecour manner, not minding the wetness l

s blouse that has a very revealing cut deep V-shape exposing her cleavage, partly showing both halves of her breasts. The dog does not make any attempt to put its head between her closed legs. Instead, it

you see the dog is dying to mate wit

three car owners' club ladies addres

to go back to the campus

fore. For this reason, they are ready to pay any price to give the dog the opportunity to mate with her. She remembers her parent

you to be yours forever, we are ready to give you many additional things

or is a Juliet-Just-Come(JJC) from a distant village, and she (Tikorkor) is not used to city lifestyle. That herself, Anama, had visited the Queens land and understand their ways of life there. According to her, love-making with dogs is part of the white pe

and making love to them non-stop for hours. Anama's manner astonishes her connectors and co-car owners' club members who brought her to the white men. She obligingly obeys every command the white men give. D0ggy does not show interest in the other ladies anymore as soon as it tasted Anama's warm garden cheese. She whines and wriggles like a drunken Shaolin master to the

or is packing. Inwardly, she thinks Tikorkor and Anama have been jealous of her Honda car and they might have plotted to ditch her.

babes' cars owners club," some

the hostel to the outside ground. Ikebe follows her behind. Just like an unexpected wind storm, both ladies bump into a cheering little group of ladies in the hostel car park, admiring a deep green BMW conv

in the female hostel over a month. A battle line of stiff rivalry has become more dangerously drawn in a new dimension between the two room mates as per who owns anything first in their competition for clothes, cosmetics, shoes, jewelry and cars. Tikorkor becomes a dispute settler between her two rivaling room

you, but I am not a push over when it comes to defeating you in doing styles to please any dog or horse," Anama te

tary, the white men who made the lady engage in bestiality, sold to the public, the Video/DVD CDs they had recorded when the lady shown in the documentary was having sexual intercourse with dogs. According to the documentary, someone who knew the lady's husband, drew his attention to the CDs on sale some years later, after she had graduated, got married and started bearing children. The husband too, was a gold digger. Hence, he fell into the han

ast should be considered before one engage in certain things," Tik

animals illicit and abominable mating. Poetically, she keeps reminding Anama and Ikebe to think of the aftermaths of what they are doing with


, memories

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ones call me bac

h a clean slate

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w attend any cockroach and rat birthdays and house-warming parties in town to see if they can catch any willing "Willy" to marry them. Their past campus lifestyle is a household story now travelin

horses. Who knows, she could be mating them? Although, it is not all ladies who care for dogs and horses as pet mate with them, all I am saying is watch well before you decide to hang your heart anywh

was written

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