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Collection of short stories

Chapter 4 A prosperous fool

Word Count: 8721    |    Released on: 18/07/2023

it difficult to grasp their wives reasoning pattern even after they have been living together for many years. Who could have ever imagined that Brain would descend so

gly and wretched looking man to kiss, reserved only for the creme de la creme in society. Again and again many men have been asking the question in the first paragraph above, and it is a million dollar question many are still ask after digesting the missiv

easonable as his name depicts. Their ages range from early twenties, mid-twenties to late twenties. They had lost their parents not quite long, which made Omams suggest to Best and Fool that they should all leave Okoko with the money they made from their patr

es that will always make him not to go out to display his foolishness in public. They both wondered how Fool could not reason that a basket cannot hold water. Sometimes, he wore the left leg of his shoe on the right leg and the right on the left leg, like a confused drunk. He is also fond of wearing the inner sides of his shirts and trousers on the outside. Omams, being the Mr. Do-Good, went out in search for a capable lady a

ed up to her and capitalized on the opportunity to speak with her closely. He told her his mission to the palace about Fool whom the Princess had openly praised his handsomeness some time ago in the public. She had said that every human being has his or her peculiar gift God has given them. Some are wise in their own way, while others are sensible in their own way, for a purpose best known to God. Omams's kind gesture of alerting her about the rope on her horse's leg, gave her the opportunity to ask after Fool, who she intuitively understood is being disallowed by his brothers from making a nuisance of himself in the public all the time due to his well known insensible ways of doing things in the kingdom when given a


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himself is not a trillionaire, and what it indirectly means is that Omams would be hanged. The tension in the air was as thick as a cumulous cloud. But to everyone's surprise, the princess came to his rescue, by threatening to commit suicide should Omams be killed for merely coming to the field to make her happy. She said she was tired of the too much restrictive laws making it dangerous for folks willing to freely relate with her as she likes. Besides, because of the restriction of people from coming to her, she has been finding it difficult to share her leisure with Fool, who she wants to be hearing his sweet sonorous songs always. When the kin

Some are attracted by the height and masculinity of a man. Others may just be madly in love with a man's voice, like the saying goes, 'different strokes for differe

to pull a fast card. He told his brothers he was going to get all the necessary items required for Fool's marriage ceremony with Brain to take place as soon as possible. However, he went secretly to the king's palace to cajole her to marry him instead of one hell of a guy called Mr. Fool. He took along seven sacks stuffed with money to the palace to sway her mind to marry him, because he thought all women could be easil

rincess? I have some piece of information that has

amber where nobody would come and disturb them. She gave orders to the bouncers that she must not be disturbed even if her father asked after her. She was pleased to s

o inform us that you are willing to marry Fool, my younger brother. What did you see i

the eyes of the public, I always go for it. Fool is a handsome man you know. Besides, I have never met any man in my life that has a voice like him that touch

to mine before? People call me 'The Best' because I am always seen as fast and sensible in taking the right steps when it matters. If you can just spare a little of

eat interest and said further "Of course, I would li

sweaty Wednesday afternoon that Omams had sealed a deal with the princess to marry Fool, the weather's face began to change dramatically. Thunder lightning began forking its fangs like a snake's here and there all over the sky. Trees were dancing outside excitedly to the music of com

him not to go home but pass the night in her secret chamber with her, since such rains in the past had carried some folks who dared venture out, away, when they unknowingly fell into drainages. He felt the princess has been convinced and enthralled by his love lines, and perhaps she was catching cold as the room's temperature became somewhat dense with cold air

state of fear and anxiety as similar rains in the

nels to control the flood caused by such numerous showers. But the several kings that had been coming and going over the years pays little or no attention to the people's plights. Many roads and bridges linking some parts of the kingdom together have been rendered impassable by the devouring jaws of erosion which has insatiably eaten several roads and bridges into separate halves for a very long time. Yet the king

l into a deep sleep, while Omams was keeping vi

r the arrival of Best. You know it is for your sake h

nted and replied, saying, "Oh! W

apped outside by the rain. Yet you are not worried but still have the guts to sleep. Who knows whether he

oint, they began to nod sideways from each other like what seemed like a nodding competition. While Omams was nodding to the right, Fool was nodding to the left; until a very powerful thunder s

ious circumstances at the hands of his associates. However, Fool saw himself as Christopher Marlowe in the dream, who was having an undisclosed argument with his associates over a lady. His late father, Mr. Stylistics Dagama, also appeared in the dream and warned him to beware of any

t times. Hence, I don't have any associate except my broth

any man who looses his life because of quarreling with another man over any woman, is a fool forever, no matter his age. The woman will just walk away to another man's embrace while the other two fight themselves to deat

ind, he woke up to find the princess lying on the same sofa she was seated before sleep shut his eyes. He could not remember what happened between him and the princess after his recitation of many love lines to her before he fell asleep. But he was a bit certain they did not make love. The princess at that juncture was also woken up by the same thunder strikes that had jolted Best out of his amorous dream. She smiled broadly as she found herself still in the secret chamber with him seated in an opposite chair to hers. The inner part of her well nourished thighs was lying exposed after her gown had rolled up towards her waist when she had fallen asleep on the sofa during the night. Best could not

re. He even started blaming himself for not making the move to encroach and enjoy the supple heat of her bosom against him. He thought how his hands could have swept under her gown, running his fingers over the soft spot between her thighs; caressing the warm dampness there with his finger. He also

me and start rubbing my thighs with your hands?" she barked at

ve to you that I really love you. Never mind. I brought seven sacks stocked full with money I have hidden somewhere close to th

here. If they are heavy for only you to convey, tell the pal

as feeling very tipsy with the wine when he was rendering his love lines. She went to the ladies to pass out urine and checked whether it will contain any trace of semen to prove whether he had made love to her or not during the night while she was deep asleep. She doubted though that such thing had happened. Her doubt was confirmed when she urinated in a white bowl and examined it. Her fears evaporated when she discovered no trace of semen. It is a system her late mother had taught

nd then, she told them about Best's visit to the palace and what transpired between them. Nonetheless, Fool who is said to be very foolish, at this point in time displayed a high level of reasonableness, as he became very furious after hearing Brain's story about Best. "So it is Best my father was talking about in the dream that I should beware off," he thought. He wondered why his own brother could betray him like this. Brain began to cry when Fool left the palace annoyingly, promising that nothing would make him change his mind to marry the princess as his brother of all people had gone behind him to

himself so much that if he wants to be in the good books of the people, he should simply accept the king's pleadings. However, before Fool later agreed to marry Brain, his mind drifted to a poem entitled The Dowry,which he o

don to Lagos, to fulfill the promise he had earlier made to marry the lady before he traveled out a year before. Such silly mistakes and uncompromising demands made either by some brides or their family members had led to abrupt end of several blossoming relationships in the past during the eve of planning for either traditional or church weddings. He wonder

a princess of Brain's calibre. Even though the princess has been secretly nursing amorous feelings for him for a long time because of his singing talents, he knew it is very hard to find ladies who are willing to marry a man just because of his sweet voice alone, especially when the man is not a fam

rform a traditional wedding first, before what is called church and court wedding could take place. But the questions on Fool's mind after the king and his daughter's proposals were; which type of marriage or wedding is more binding? Is it the traditional, court or church wedding? The reason he was lost in thought was because he did not have the exorbitant amount essential to procure a traditional marriage according to the kingdom's custom. What made the situation more precariously demanding is the fact that Brain is a king's daughter which requires that all traditional norms must be followed. Fool did not also have the wherewithal to raise money for a ch


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and smalls in the kingdom graced the occasion. It became the greatest discussion in the kingdom several days after. However, Brain postponed the secret marriage proposed to Best. This made him unhappy because Fool personality became more recognized than his in the kingdom. People began to murmur

or judgement in the people's court, for them to decide. When Best could not present a witness to corroborate his claims of a secret marriage pact with Brain, he lost the case, while Brain's argument that she could not have collected money from a fellow who is regarded as the most sensible guy in the kingdom only to marry another fellow who is regarded

s and shrines, many awful misdemeanour and practices are part of their life styles, while they are behaving in the public like a

ecret chamber within the palace. But he pulled himself away though the warmth of her body was beginning to spread over his entire soul. He had wondered how it would feel if she had touched his intimate places. He knew he was at

This revealed her two firm breasts, with their nipples jutting out through a white lace brassiere she wore. Her dark shiny pubic hair was also piercing out through a white lace pant she wore on her curvy smooth and spotless buttocks. It was at this juncture Fool proved he was not a fool in the business of love making. He decided to let her know then that her action was clear

she did that wedding night was that, she removed her brassiere and walked gingerly towards her husband. Getting close to where he was seated on a bed, she had giggled and grabbed his head and pushed her left breast nipple against her slightly opened lips. She was not sur

s thick black glittering hairs. He started touching her there continuously like a piano player's fingers on a keyboard. A warm sensation flowed over her delicate skin from where he was touching her continuously. She desperately wanted that feeling to spread over her entire body. It felt too good to her soul. She began to fidget with the belt of his trouser, searching for his manhood which had become very turgid and strong, growing with desire. He too wanted her badly at this juncture. He assi

en garden downstairs. His licking made her ache in need of his shaft in her soft and supple birth canal well sculptured in the valley of her curvy loins. Her eyes

xplosive orgasm built like a raging inferno at her golden garden, and within blinks of every four seconds she found herself in the blistering flames of total and complete rapture, she did not want to

a mistake in marrying you, by proving to me you have what every true woman desires from a man she could call her ow

s a helping hand when they later heard the details of how he made the union of Fool and Brain possible, regarded Omams as a fool. They were of the opinion that he should have wooed the princess for himself not minding whether, Fool's behaviour has been a source of constant embarrassment to his family. Omams all the same continued to do his professional work as a palm wine tapper and fisherman in several distant for

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lifestyle of giving and sharing," Omams sai

by her inviting eyes. In the course of their interaction, the belle told him she is a mermaid whose real name is Rhoda Odibo. She

at, Omams could marry another wife whenever he wishes as Juliet was not prepared to bear any child for him. Having agreed to her conditional love and marital terms, she asked Omams to open his two palms and she slapped both of them with her two palms and started invoking

me and an uncompromising jealous and self centered person, who wanted Omams to drive Juliet away. She used to say inwardly that: "I don't know what he sees in this ugly she-goat that he is still keeping and feeding her for nothing when she has not been able to give birth to a single broom for him." Ozi is the daughter

t anything she wants from him, as many men always lose control of their senses whenever they see the nakedness of a beautiful woman. When her sexual arousal tactics failed to work, she invented another technique. She behaved as if she was

t perpendicularly to the sky. She tenderly stroked the nodding-projectile with her mouth, using both teeth and tongue to accelerate the play and pleasure. With the way he gripped her head, dimming his eyes, and the fast gasps that were emanating from him, she knew she was tantalizingly effective. His entire body at that point was already like liquid fire. He had never been hungry like this for sex with her before. When he could not hold it any longer, he had pulled her mouth away from his burning manhood and deftly tumbled her into a missionary position. At first, his thrusting was measured and slow, leisurely traveling in and drawing out, savouring each thrust. This made Ozi taunt him mercilessly by twisting her waist in such a way that his manhood dived out again and again from her melting garden






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that he sold all his properties all over the kingdom. He became very broke like a church rat. Ozighogo also deserted him. She went away wi

ipients of success according to destiny's will," an old woman who has been nursing the children born b

ong the trio, his double standards in his relationship with his own brothers made him lose respect from the folks afterwards. With Fool's closeness to his wife and the support she gives him, coupled with

lly to upgrade him. She reasoned that spouses should be learning and striving to assist each other in their areas of weaknesses. This way, she feels

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