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Break some rules

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 5260    |    Released on: 28/07/2023

distance, replaced by the pounding of her heart and the rushing of blood in her ears. She should have begun with the scotch. And she certainly should not have had so much sherr

she could be inher bed within the hour. He would certainly feel obligated to protect her. She was a lady, after all. Even if her actions that evening were not precisely bearing that out. And what if Ralston were to open the door? Callie shook her head at the thought. First, marquesses did not go around opening their own doors. And secondly, the odds of this particular marquess being home at this particular hour were slim to none. He was likely off with a paramour somewhere. An image flashed through her mind, pulled from a decade-old memory of him locked in a heated embrace with a breathtakingly beautiful woman. Yes. She had made a horrid mistake. She would just have to escape as quickly as possible. She squared her shoulders and approached the imposing entrance of Ralston House. She had barely let the knocker fall when the large oak door swung open, revealing an aged servant who seemed not at all surprised to find a young woman standing outside his master's home. Stepping aside, he allowed her to enter, closing the door behind her as she took in the warm, inviting entryway to the long-established London home of the Marq

he'd be safer hailing a hackney by herself on the dark London streets than following this ancient butler to Lord knew where. To Ralston's rooms. Callie nearly choked at the thought. She would never drink sherry again. "Milady?" The word, delivered with all decorum, held an unspoken query. Was Callie going to follow? This was her chance. Misguided or not, this was what she had hoped for when she'd sneaked from the house and hailed a hack. She'd wanted to see Ralston-to prove that she had the courage for adventure. And here she was, her objective squarely within reach. This is your chance to prove yourself more than passive. She swallowed, staring mutely up at the old man. Fine. She would follow him.

, in the dead of night, but this was really too much! She should correct him. "Nothing to say, Nastasia? That's rather out of character, is it not?" Then again, remaining silent required far less courage than revealing herself to this imposing man. He gave an irritated sigh, clearly through with the one-sided conversation. "I think I was more than generous with the end of our agreement, Nastasia. You retain the house, the jewels, the clothes-I've given you more than enough rein with which to bridle your next patron, have I not?" Callie gasped, outraged at the way he was so callously and cavalierly ending a romance. Her response garnered a humorless laugh from the marquess. "There is no need to play the shocked miss. We both know that naïveté escaped you long ago." His tone was cool and emotionless as he dismissed her, "Youmay find your own way out." He resumed his seat, turning his back to her and beginning to play once more. Callie had never thought she would feel for one of the courtesans who lurked on the edges of the ton as mistresses of the aristocracy, but she couldn't help but take offense on this particular woman's behalf. And to think, she had thought Ralston a pillar among men! She stood, fists clenched in womanly outrage, wondering just what she should do. No...she knew what she should do. She should leave this room immediately and flee this house. She should return to her quiet, calm life and forget her silly list. But that was not what she wanted to do. What she wanted to do was teach this man a lesson. And her anger made her brave enough to stay. He did not look back as he said, "I beg you not to make this situation any more awkward than you have, Nastasia." "I'm afraid this situation can only become more awkward, my lord." His head whipped toward her as he shot from his seat. If she were not so irritated, she would have been vastly entertained. "You see, I am not who you quite obviously believe me to be." She had to give him credit. His surprise was almost immediately replaced by shuttered calm. "Indeed you are not, Miss..." He paused, waiting for her to identify herself. He continued after a long silence, "It appears that you have the advantage of me." "Indeed, it does seem that way." Callie was shocked by her own boldness. "May I assist you in some way?" "I had thought so. However, after witnessing the manner in which you address the women in your life, I find I would rather not join their ranks." One of his dark eyebrows kicked up at her words. Callie took that as her cue to escape. Without another word, she turned abruptly and grasped the door handle. She had opened the door not a quarter of an inch when a large, strong hand shot over her shoulder and closed it again. Dear Lord...he was fast. She tugged at the handle with both hands, but her strength was no match for his; that single, strong arm kept the door firmly shut. "Please," she spoke, her words barely above a whisper, "let me go." "You speak as though I brought you here, my lady. On the contrary. 'Tis you who entered my domain. Don't you think you owe me the courtesy of an introduction?" His reply was quiet, spoken just at the edge of her hood,sending a shiver of panic through her. His body was scant inches away from hers-any closer, and they would be touching. They might as well have been for the way the heat of him was overwhelming her senses. Callie stared at the doorjamb, wondering just how she was going to escape her fate. She had started this evening as Calpurnia. She couldn't give up now. "We've-" She cleared her throat and started again. "We've met before, my lord." "I cannot be expected to know that with you shrouded in cloth." He tweaked the edge of her sleeve, his fingertips carelessly brushing the back of her hand. She sucked in a breath at the touch. His tone turned cajoling. "Come now, do you really think that I will allow you to leave witho

nd wide, lovely eyes that flashed with emotion. He wondered at their color briefly before he forced himself to return to the matter at hand. This was obviously the first time she'd ever done something so forward -so adventurous; if he hadn't already been aware of her pristine reputation, he would have sensed it from her obvious discomfort. Little Calpurnia Hartwell, whom he knew only tangentially from her years of blending into the edges of balls and drawing rooms, was a wallflower of the first water. Of course, she wasn't much of a wallflower this evening. He watched her calmly, years of practice hiding his thoughts. She refused to meet his eyes, instead focusing her gaze on her tightly clasped hands while darting quick glances at the door as if to measure the potential success of an attempt to flee the room. He couldn't help the burst ofsympathy he felt for her, this little mouse who had obviously found herself in a situation far beyond her experience. He could be a gentleman about the whole thing-take pity on her, provide her an exit, and offer to forget that this evening had ever happened. But he sensed that, despite her obvious nervousness, there was a part of her that wanted to play this out. He wondered how far she would go. "Why?" Her eyes went wide at the question, meeting his for the briefest of moments before she looked away again. "My-my lord?" she stammered. "Why such a request? Not that I am not f

not wait for a man to come along and...sweep you off your feet?" She gave a short laugh. "If the man you speak of had ever planned on coming, my lord, I'm afraid he has obviously lost his way. And, at twentyeight, I find I have grown tired of waiting." "Perhaps you should exhibit some of the character you are showing this evening in a more public forum," he said. "I'll admit you seem far more intriguing than I have ever given you credit for, my lady, and intrigue is the spark of desire." His words hit their mark, and she flushed again. Ralston was unable to deny the enjoyment he felt at this unexpected turn of events. Indeed, this was just the divers

d." "I haven't agreed to your request, yet." "But you will." His tone was arrogant. "And, as payment, you'll get your kiss." "Forgive me," she said with humor in her voice, "but you must place a rather high value on your kisses." He tipped his head, conceding the point. "Very well. Name your price." Callie looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully before replying. "The kiss will do for now, but I reserve the right to a favor in the future." "I'm to be indebted to you, then?" She smiled. "Think of it as a business transaction." An eyebrow rose. "A business transaction that begins with a kiss." "A unique business transaction." She blushed again. "You seem shocked by your boldness," he said. She nodded. "I'm not quite sure what has come over me." Once more, her honesty surpri

en. "Neither should the kiss leave you satisfied." She tugged briefly, giving up when he would not free her and instead pulled her closer, setting her hands upon his shoulders. He trailed his fingers down her neck, leaving her breathless, her voice a mere squeak when she replied, "How should it leave me?" He kissed her then. Really kissed her. He pulled her against him and pressed his mouth to hers, possessing, owning in a way she could never have imagined. His lips, firm and warm, played across her own, tempting her until she was gasping for breath. He captured the sound in his mouth, taking advantage of her open lips to run his tongue along them, tasting her lightly until she couldn't bear the teasing. He seemed to read her thou

and belatedly realized that it was her own. His lips curved at her ear as he spoke, his harsh breathing making the words more a caress than a sound, "Kisses should not leave you satisfied." He returned his lips to hers, claiming her mouth again, robbing her of all thought with a rich, heady caress. All she wanted was to be closer to hi

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