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Chapter 3 Besties 4 life part 2

Word Count: 1246    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

it but sadly, I never got there. I was 5 feet away from the bench rese

on our side of the field," she said

Lake, water dragons and the Black Pond, fire drakons. The sun was still shining over the green grass of the soccer field. I

ness and I'm not talking about petty mean girl bus

for him," I replied softly and calmly. I didn't want to

ore turning on her heels to consult the

I was Queen Bee, I would have

liberately leaning over and flashing their underwear to the crowd, like a little puppy desperate for attention.

r my first detention. S

n I realized that I said that those words out loud. I was not one to b

e me, so," I said glanc

ten some music somewhere until all this is over," I said with feign e

letting you near the cooler," she called after me, I

pointy finger towards a tent wi

ht up with a school project and I had a club meeting. I bit my lip as the lie ate

ng slightly, a little flirty maybe. Melanie was bright red, too that was until she glanced towards her boyfriend and her body language a

itch," the brune

air causing it to creak. I

" she said frustratedly and then paused. I glanced at her wondering wh

re," I said hesitantly, not really sure how to tackle this sit

, too calmly. A sharp whi

y, watching her carefully.

g a long tan arm towards me. She must be

eplied relea

nes," she asked watching the soccer game t

" I replied

olled my eyes and glance at the bleachers. I was a

" she yelled caus

said to her as she sat

ela...a fly" I said slowl

stared at me with wide eyes. She probab

w the video. That shit was legend

deo," I said

er team, who had already scored twice. White Lake did some changes and it helped a

ause I didn't like it, didn't mean that I didn't watch it with my hyperactive uncle in law. My gaze returned towards t

nderstatement. What were putting in

ped a hurdle. He sat on the chair beside Fros

oduce me to your friend," his

Adam's apple bobbed. OK, don't think about it, Bella. I was lonely

fter you slept with her," she said accusingly, she clenched her jaw and glared at him. So, he

" was all he said

now sure that there was something going on with Black Pond's water supply. He tapped his sister on the shou

Frost, who was staring a

like that, I'm h

er after the game. I need a plus

st make

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