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Chapter 4 Hot guys fighting over me! Part 1

Word Count: 947    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

p began, since then I've just decided to not make friends. It was easier that way. I stared down at my fingers

owards the parking lot of White Lake. The game ended a couple

know why they try. Th

ed like a Porsche. I tugged on Frost's hand pulling her to a stop at the sound of hushed mascul

other was a few inches shorter, skin and bones, pale skin and dark eyes. He gave me a bad

ough your skull," the one I like said,

talking," the other

roat. Oh shit, was h

chael," she said, her voice s

d to my 'are you insane' expression. With one last glance

ss at you," I a

ding me towards the passenger seat of the car. We got in and they began taking me to thei

e diner was sur

took the message quite clearly and shuffled closer to the passenge

arked. I started waking in that direction, sparing a glance in the direction of the car. I turned around and suddenly felt my right sh

e stupid guy said e

ion to where you were going instead of staring at your phone," I snapped. My eye

or makes sense. You've become the baseless, disrespec

id, moving my had frantically, acciden

quickly said before d

d looks. I fluffed my dark curly hair and fou

n again last term, I never had Dimples to subtly and unknowingly ruin my life. Posting up on his socia

muttered incoheren

ou anything," a s

forgot what existence was. It was confirmed all the boys in Black Pond were drinking something that other boys

en eyes were so common

beautiful eyes chuckl

be drinking," he asked crossing his arms causing th

started," I retorted staring at him. Who am I?

like to order something," he s

but this was a public, family friendly dinner. I picked up the m

fries and a beer," I ordered with a stra

u dare look at that ass, Bella. I smiled and glanced aw

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