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Chapter 2 Besties 4 life part 1

Word Count: 956    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

ferent classes without further complaints. But eventually the final bell rung and I envied the students

on me. White Lake High knew what cleanliness meant. Every room was like my mother's wedding ring, sparkling and spotless. No she wasn't married to the man anymore but that didn't mean that she didn't still love him. He had im

o the messy bun, my hair fell unattactively unto my shoulders. It wasn't all that bad after, I fluffed it out an

opped blouse underneath. I was too chicken to wear just it so I had thrown on the hoodie over it. Deciding that I was ready to flirt but not flirt, I left th

said, wrapping my ho

to her desk and placed my hands palm down on the tab

on," I yelled perkily, slammi

I plastered a fake smile on my face a

aste, eyeing me up and dow

I pronounced slowly and i

ion and with venom. Its al

ed my

you in his office," she said th

so that I didn't have to walk through the boys locker room. The stadium was full and Black Pond had arrived ear

re were enough seats here to host the entire town and more. Currently, it was being split into two, with B

ds the coaches office. I knocked on

," the coach suddenly said not sparing me a glance. A ne

he couch continued his ey

going to eat me alive. The students their weren't kind and friendly towards students at White Lake. I resisted the urge yo stomp my foot childishly, instead I caut

side. Some time while walking, you could say that I zoned out everything around me. Un

s I staggered back. I almost fel

nce. "Yes," I repeated, glanc

where I was supposed to be but the emerald eyed b

like an idiot. Dios mio, I dated star a

dn't hate seeing dimples on another human being. He squeezed my arm and then walked away.

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