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Chapter 7 Icy babe

Word Count: 1315    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

nd unpredictable pattern as the yellow cab drove by. Driving smoothl

amiliar setting but instead it was the fact that my mother hadn't bothered to take me to this party. Of c

erved out of the way just in time to let a huge jeep pass by. As the car went by one of t

a couple motorcyclist rounde

d going back home as a

view. "Don't hang out with this bunch. Bad things happen around these parts of town. Its

t my stare right away, he was busy parking the car but when he finally did, I cou

day," he said impatiently. I paid h

There were a lot of unfamiliar faces and a few surprisingly familiar ones. From my observation their were Black Pond High students and Wh

be my date for the ni

ease. My dress did cling to body but not as tightly as it would seem. The material was cozy and was crocheted by Jax. Of Course at the time he'd cussed me out for wanting it to be 'a du

lking up the steps and walking through the double doors of the manor. It was simple un

on a house that they rarely sleep in. One kid with 11 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a personal theater and why

ors and was engulfed a crowd. Over the chatty voices of everyone loud music echoed through the house, it was disturbing how it could not be heard from outside or even beyo

ut of the crowd and into a well ventilated room with less crowd and refreshments. I was immediately drawn to the refrigerator that I knew for certai

eam was to become a movie director but in reality, my long term plan was Veterinary

y immediately so I decided to people watch. I didn't know many people at the party. My social life as Kelly McHale was

strange balcony are above the dance floor. I honestly didn't know if this place was real or a figment of my imagination. I mean who has this

id know. I don't know what compelled me or what I was even thinking but I

ds. I bit my lip and shrugged off my anxiety on the rise. I needed to instead figur

I was running out of

y, hoping no one heard

cheerleading friends. I didn't know if I was misreading his expression but he looked d

. There was a strange look in his eyes. Somewhere between recog

the girls watching the game, asked another who

t she hasn't replied," I asked c

e urge to roll my eyes. This was one of the many ways teenag

le, two can indeed play that game. I texted Henry inst

rlfriend but Henry replied to my text and I got distracted. He

to Brice was trying

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